Meetings & Documents

April 4, 2016

Monthly Meeting
April 4, 2016


  • Christine Johnson, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • John Sankey, Past President
  • Marilyn Koch, Director
  • Piero Narducci, Director
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu, Director
  • Brian Wade, Director
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • Denyse Baizana
  • Al Gullon
  • Grant Hopkins
  • Dan Kaplansky
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • Brent Scollie

Motion: To approve the March 2016 minutes. Moved by Denyse Baizana, seconded by Piero Narducci, carried.

Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by Al Gullon, carried.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington: Traffic calming continues as a priority. The yellow flex sticks will return but street sweeping must be complete before they can go up. This year there will be an effort to evaluate their effect on speed. For the first time there will be flex sticks on Uplands.
He will be hosting a park clean-up and community barbeque in Quinterra/Riverwood on Saturday May 14.
He encouraged the HCCO and individuals to partake in the Cleaning the Capital Campaign
Christine Johnson: There are mounds of garbage at the bus shelters. Maybe there could be a reward for returning bags or cups to the fast food outlets.
Brent Scollie: There could be more garbage bins.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: OC Transpo sends a crew to clean up the bus shelters but they don’t do a very good job.
John Sankey: The City puts out garbage bins but takes them away if they are full of dog poo. You can phone 311 to report full garbage bins but there are delays when you call.
Riley: He calls the 311 service as well to report matters. 311 is the main number to call for garbage bin matters. Dog poo should be flushed down the toilet.
Riley took the GM of Public Works on a tour of Hunt Club, to identify a number of issues and seek solutions, including the McCarthy Road curve, just south of the railway tracks. It’s the most dangerous part of McCarthy, particularly in the winter, with north-bound cars sliding off the road. The GM suggested short concrete walls between the road and the sidewalk but warned they’re not pretty.
John Sankey: Concrete walls would be great. We could paint them.
Riley: The Environmental Study of the Airport Parkway widening is still receiving comments. It will be widened. It includes a proposed off-ramp at Walkley Road and other modifications to Walkley Road itself.
Riley will be attending an all-day committee meeting on modernizing the taxi industry, April 7. The staff recommendation is to create a new classification of private vehicle transportation companies, that would legalize Uber to operate in Ottawa.
Movie night at the Community Centre was very successful. 80 people came. He thanked the HCCO for their assistance in running the concession stand.
Saturday April 23 is Earth Day. There are activities at the Community Centre: there will be a guided walking tour of McCarthy Woods and Junk that Funk will accept electronic waste.
Christine Johnson: The HCCO will be selling rain barrels.
Piero Narducci: What is happening with photo radar?
Riley Brockington: His motion to introduce photo radar is deferred to May 4 at the Transportation Committee.
Piero Narducci: “May the 4th be with you”

From: Chiarello, Anthony, City staff
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 12:21 PM
To: Brockington, Riley
Subject: follow up from HCCO Meeting

  1. Sawmill Creek filled with trash? Can we get it cleaned up?
    The Rideau River Conservation Authority is responsible for cleaning up any debris and litter located in the creek, as City staff do not have the means to reach items that are not near the shoreline. Staff have been in touch with the Authority to ask for cleanup in the creek.
    Regarding the trash and debris on the land around the creek, our Parks, Buildings and Grounds group within Public Works is responsible for cleaning it up. I spoke with them and they indicated that they do a full clean up of the area every spring, normally in late April.
  2. Bus shelters filled with garbage? The grounds around the bus shelters are a mess? What is the frequency of clean up?
    Depending on the location, some shelters are cleaned more frequency than others. It is best to call the matter in to OC Transpo or my office and we will pursue.
  3. Can we get an extra trash can at the halfway point of the Airport Parkway pedestrian bridge (there is one on each end)?
    Staff advised no, difficult for truck access and maintenance purposes.
  4. Should residents be calling 3-1-1 to get a garbage bin emptied?
    Yes they should call 3-1-1, but they are always welcome to call or email our office and we can assist.
  5. Is TTY hooked up with 2-1-1 and 3-1-1?
    Happy to report that 3-1-1 has TTY services. We can be reached by:
    3-1-1 – from within the Ottawa boundaries
    613-580-2400 – standard local number
    1-866-261-9799 – toll free
    613-580-2401 – TTY
    We also have access to interpreters and can respond to customers in more than 170 languages
    With respect to 2-1-1, this is not a city service line. I’ve included the link to the website; they also provide local, toll-free and TTY lines.
  6. How many trees are planned for planting in Paul Landry Park?
    The City will be planting approximately 1,500 trees in Paul Landry Park as part of the reforestation work this spring. Draft species selection is listed below: (*= species listed as existing on site)
    Abies balsamea, balsam fir
    Acer saccharum, sugar maple*
    Acer rubrum, red maple*
    Fagus grandifolia, American beech
    Ostrya virginiana, Ironwood*
    Picea glauca, white spruce
    Pinus strobus, white pine
    Tilia americana, basswood*

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer’s Report.
Sponsorship of $100 was received from CP Desjardins.
One $10 membership was received.
Payments of $57.87 to S.McCarthy and $666.59 to C.Johnson were made for the newsletter, rental and flowers.
Alterna paid $0.78 interest on 31 March.
A total of $415 was received for the refugee fund.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund balance $ 415.00
Garden Fund balance $ 0.00
Total Sub-accounts $ 415.00
Members’ Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2015 $ 8,827.02
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 3,149.27
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 2,809.66
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 339.61
Members’ surplus, HCCO $ 9,166.63
Total funds (Members surplus+funds) $ 9,581.63
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share , HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 9,566.63
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 9,581.63
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one sponsorship for the March newsletter as five have been paid so far.

Motion: To reimburse Christine Johnson:
T shirts $134.92
photocopies 8.09
total 143.01
moved by Dan Kaplansky, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Motion: To put $6000 in a term deposit for up to 2 years. Moved by Denyse Baizana, seconded by Brian Wade, carried.

HCCO Name Change
Christine Johnson: Proposes to change the name from Hunt Club Community Organization to Hunt Club Community Association. We are the only community association in Ottawa not called a community association. Hunt Club Community Organization is a registered corporation under the Province of Ontario. Incorporation Date September 26, 1985. Corporation Number 636841.
In Canada, there is no Hunt Club Community Association. She will meet with a lawyer to investigate the costs of changing the name. Relevant to the discussion is Bill 85: Not for Profit Corporations Act.
Peter Brimacombe: Community association is a phrase that people in Ottawa know. We want that recognition and trust. He expects the cost would be about $1000.
Piero Narducci: $1000 is a lot.
Brent Scollie: We should look into the cost of filing a name change.

Christine Johnson: HCCO’s constitution seems out of sync. The language is too heavy. A committee was formed to review it. Members: Christine Johnson, Piero Narducci, Brian Wade, Peter Brimacombe.

Syrian Refugee Families
Sue McCarthy: The Hunt Club Syrian Action Committee sold popcorn and cupcakes at the movie night. They raised $184.75. On April 23, as one of the Earth Day events, the Shout Sister Choir will give a concert. On May 14, Linda Pedley will give two yoga classes.
Christine Johnson: The Shout Sister Choir needs a truck to move their risers to the Community Centre. Can anyone help?

Women’s Wellness Course
Christine Johnson: The South East Ottawa Community Health Centre is giving a wellness course for women. Three sessions have already been held: relationship with youth, civic engagement, healthy eating. The fourth session will be held tomorrow. The topic is spoken words.

Motion: Moved that Ijeoma Udechukwu be our liaison with the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre and that she be our lead on women’s issues. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Al Gullon, carried.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: Thank you. It is an honour.

Performers’ Night
Sue McCarthy: We had the second performers’ night on March 22. We will do it again in the fall.

Ottawa 2017
Christine Johnson: Ottawa 2017 is Ottawa’s celebration of the 150th anniversary of Canada. We can be part of it.
Riley Brockington: $250 is available to each group. Funding is available this summer.

Sue McCarthy: She is getting the June issue ready. Lots of material from which to choose.

Membership Drive
Christine Johnson: We will have a membership drive in May. We have 47 members and would like to get to 100. The idea is to go door-to-door.

Community Garden
Brian Wade: We have sent out our application to Just Food. We need to work on fund raising but the garden itself is probably not going to be this year.
Piero Narducci: He would like to recognize Brian’s efforts.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: She had in mind to apply for a ‘Paint It Up’ grant so that some of our local youth could paint a mural on one of the fences in the park. She needed to partner with the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre, who correctly pointed out the crime prevention and youth engagement is focus of the grant. As such, they needed more time to reach out to the local youth, so this project has been delayed for a year.
Tree planting will start soon.
John Sankey: About 1500 trees will be planted, 50% are expected to survive.
Christine Johnson: She knows an artist who is keen on doing a sculpture in the Park.
May 7 is clean-up day.
Riley Brockington: He has funding for $150,000 for the playground.

Odds and ends
Riley Brockington: There is an informal group looking at cycling infrastructure. In River Ward we have the greatest opportunity to convert motorists to cyclists.
Christine Johnson: She welcomed Grant Hopkins. He is a resident of the Landmark Court condo complex of Hunt Club.
HCCO purchased a Home Theatre Projector She is keeping it in her house because of space limitations at the Community Centre. It is still available for community functions.
HCCO will again take part in the Fall Festival on Saturday September 10th at the Community Centre.

Next meeting: Monday May 2 at 19:00