Meetings & Documents

May 2, 2016

Monthly Meeting
May 2, 2016


  • Christine Johnson, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • John Sankey, Past President
  • Marilyn Koch, Director
  • Brian Wade, Director
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • Dave Armitage
  • Alexis Doyle
  • Bernie Geiger
  • Al Gullon
  • Grant Hopkins
  • Linda King
  • Andrea Main
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Marwan Nahal
  • Brent Scollie

Motion: To approve the April 2016 minutes. Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Garage Sale
Linda King: The second annual Hunt Club Garage Sale will be held on June 4 between 8:00 and 12:00, rain or shine. Allison Malloy is helping her. The format will be the same as last year: individual households will each hold their own garage sale on their property but there is a special provision for people living in apartments or condominiums where garage sales are not allowed: they may hold their sale on the parking lot of Metro Plaza with the permission of Metro. Registration fee is $5 per household. 3000 flyers will be printed and distributed, there will be a notice in the newsletter and notices will be posted on Twitter and Facebook. The Fire Department and the Boy Scouts will be at Metro Plaza.
Christine Johnson: The South East Ottawa Community Health Centre recognizes your efforts and thanks you for last year’s generous donation ($750).
John Sankey: You should contact Coady Co-op.
Dave Armitage: Hunt View Estates will be part of it.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington: The McCarthy Road curve, just south of the railway tracks is the most dangerous part of McCarthy. In the winter north-bound cars slide off the road. Public Works Staff had offered to install concrete construction walls to protect pedestrians from errant vehicles but they are now offering a wire guard rail.
Al Gullon: Cars slide off the road because the road slopes into the sidewalk. The roads should be rebuilt with the direction of the slope reversed.
Riley: Reported on the yellow flex sticks.
Dianne Nahal: Her initial reaction when she saw them was positive.
Sue McCarthy: Uplands will be repaved in May.
John Sankey: Handicapped access to Paul Landry Park needs to be considered because Uplands is the only way handicapped people can get to the Park.
Bernie Geiger: The sidewalks on Owl Drive in front of Holy Family School are in poor shape.
Riley: He has been briefed on capital projects in River Ward. He will present a report next month.
Alexis Doyle: Tweets to 311 are effective to address road/sidewalk repairs.
Al Gullon: When is the next Transportation Committee meeting?
Riley: May 4 at 9:30.
Alexis Doyle: She would like to put a blue box next to her post office box so that people could throw their junk mail in it.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer’s Report:
Sponsorship of $100 was received from C Kroeger for the June newsletter.
No memberships were received.
Payment of $143.01 to C.Johnson was made for T-shirts and photocopies.
$6,000 was invested in a One year Redeemable Term Deposit at 0.7% on 8 April.
Alterna paid $0.31 interest on 30 April.
A total of $643.75 was received for the refugee fund.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund balance $ 1,058.75
Garden Fund balance $ 0.00
Total Sub-accounts $ 1,058.75
Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2015 $ 8,827.02
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 3,249.58
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 2,952.67
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 296.91
Member’s surplus, HCCO $ 9,123.93
Total funds (Members surplus+funds) $10,182.68
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share , HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 4,167.37
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO $ 6,000.00
Total all funds $10,182.68
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one sponsorship for the March newsletter as five have been paid so far.

HCCO Name Change
Christine Johnson: Last meeting she proposed that we change the name from the Hunt Club Community Organization to the Hunt Club Community Association. Following the direction of the meeting, she met with a lawyer. He said the name change would cost about $800 but recommended that we put it on hold because the Ontario Not For Profit Act is being rewritten. In the meantime we will keep the name as is. She also noted that according to the Ontario Government website our status is cancelled:
Grant Hopkins: How is the decision to change the name made?
Christine Johnson: It would be decided by a vote of registered members at a meeting where notice had been given. The annual general meeting would be such a meeting.

Sue McCarthy: She is trying to get the June Issue out by the end of May. She will be at a table for Fall Fest at the Community Centre, September 10. The South East Ottawa Community Health Centre will be there too.

Membership Drive
Christine Johnson: We will have a table at Fall Fest September 10, to recruit new members.

Community Garden
Brian Wade: Our application to Just Food has been turned down. The proposed location was Cahill Park but the City suggests McCarthy Park or Owl Park because they already have a water source. We are aiming at submitting a new application next spring.
Christine Johnson: Thank you for your work.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: The first official clean-up is this Saturday May 7 between 10:00 and 12:00 and every following first Saturday of the month until the snow comes; with one exception: June’s clean-up will be on Sunday, June 5th, instead of on Saturday, 4th, so as not to conflict with our ‘2nd Annual Hunt Club Cares Garage Sale’.

Syrian Refugee Families
Sue McCarthy: The Hunt Club Syrian Action Committee raises funds to help the government sponsored Syrian refugees living in our community. Thanks to Landmark Court for hosting the Committee’s meetings where we plan our fund raising events. On April 23, the Shout Sisters Choir gave a concert at the Community Centre. It was very well attended. Several Syrian refugee families were present, as our special guests of honour, and they were most appreciative. It was a very moving time. After expenses, $1700 was raised. We don’t have the resources to sponsor our own family, which is why the Committee has decided to help Government sponsored families in our area. We have met with the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre and with the Catholic School Board to see what our options are, in terms of how best to use monies raised.
Alexis Doyle: One consideration may be to provide scholarships; more immediate consideration might be kitchen utensils.
John Sankey: He is involved with three separate groups. Each group is bringing in a family. One group has 40 volunteers and the other two have similar numbers.
Christine Johnson: Would like to request that the HCCO cover the cost of the rental fees: $255.43 charged for the use of the gym, kitchen, and Riverside Room, for our Shout Sister Choir fundraising event on April 23.
Riley Brockington: $350 is set aside to every community association to use for a special event in the year. The Shout Sister Choir event would qualify.
Christine Johnson: She will defer a motion until next meeting; before which she will follow up with the community centre manager and Councillor Brockington.
Sue McCarthy: There are two fund raising events coming up: a yoga and guided meditation class at the Community Centre on May 14, between 10:00 a.m. and 12 noon; and a Chinese cooking class on May 28 between 1:00 PM and 2:30 PM at T&T.

Peter Brimacombe: A committee has been formed to review the constitution. Members: Christine Johnson, Piero Narducci, Brian Wade, Peter Brimacombe. We met on Monday April 25. We made progress and will meet again in May.

President’s Report
Christine Johnson: Wynnie Zhao, Piero Narducci, Vanessa Sutton and Ijeoma Udechukwu sent their regrets.
The Ottawa Carleton District School Board is conducting a review of secondary schools and is looking for community input: She proposes a motion to support photo radar as an effective way to enforce the speed limits around schools.
John Sankey: The contention is that it is a revenue grab – in the past, fines were simply added to the Police budget. They should be put into road safety.
Riley Brockington: The discussion at City Hall is simply to ask the Province for permission to enforce speed limits by photo radar.

Motion: That the City ask the Province for permission to enforce speed limits by photo radar provided that all proceeds go directly to improve road safety. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by John Sankey, carried.
Al Gullon: He has done extensive research into traffic issues and is against photo radar. Data is misleading because photo radar has the effect of diverting traffic – the diverted traffic is not going slower. Photo radar causes accidents because drivers can be startled and drive erratically.
Christine: The City is examining coach houses as a way to increase density in established neighbourhoods. There will be a new hotel south of Hunt Club Rd on Paul Anka Drive, next to the gas station.

Next meeting: Monday May 30 at 19:00