Meetings & Documents

March 13, 2017

Monthly Meeting
March 13, 2017


  • Christine Johnson, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • John Sankey, Past President
  • Dan Kaplansky, Director
  • Kristy Nystrom, Director
  • Brian Wade, Director
  • Riley Brockington Councillor
  • David Armitage
  • Bernie Geiger
  • Al Gullon
  • Mark Waymann

Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by Dan Kaplansky, seconded by Bernie Geiger, carried.

Motion: To approve the February, 2017 minutes. Moved by Bernie Geiger, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer’s report:
Sponsorships of $100 were received from C.Kroeger, Rimalou Drugs, Desjardins, Revera & the City of Ottawa. Interest of $0.19 for Jan and $0.19 for Feb was credited from Alterna. $500 was received from Hydro Ottawa for the essay contest they are sponsoring.
Payment of $89.70 for the for the Arts Club room rentals was made to the City of Ottawa. Christine Johnson was reimbursed $1,853.88 for the March News as follows: UPS Store $613.89, Harmony in Cultures $960.50, insert $279.79.
The Mural Fund has been credited $800 per the February vote and the Garden Fund $1,500 per an e-vote.

Hydro Ottawa for Essay Contest $500.00 
Hunt Club Refugee Fund balance $36.75 
Garden Fund balance $1,5000.00 
Hydro Ottawa Essay Contest $500.00 
Mural fund balance $800.00 
Art Club Fund balance $(1.70) 
Balance Sub-accounts $2,835.05 
Members Surplus 
Balance as of 1 August 2016 $9,172.74 
Year to date expenses, HCCO $6,731.36 
Year to date receipts, HCCO $2,071.10 
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO ($4,660.26) 
Members' surplus, HCCO $4,512.48 
Total funds (Members' surplus + funds) $7,347.53 
Cash not deposited $0.00 
Alterna share, HCCO $15.00 
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $1,332.53 
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, due 19 March $6,000.00 
Total all funds $7,347.53 

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed three sponsorships; one each for Sept, Dec and March. L King owes $300 for the 300 extra copies printed and half the cost of the insert.
The GIC will mature on 19 March with interest of $42.00

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor’s Report:

He met the Dagenais Family to provide an update regarding the public process to name the Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge.

Ottawa Community Housing is proposing the development of 16 additional units to its existing property at 3225 Uplands Drive (Ashgrove).

City Council has approved LRT Phase 2. There are two main lines: Confederation Line which runs east-west and the Trillium Line which runs north-south. The Trillium Line is an expansion of the existing O Train.
David Armitage: The Trillium Line is fundamentally flawed: traditional train design has one track in each direction but portions of the Trillium Line have only a single track which north and south trains have to share.
John Sankey: The rail line to the Airport is not justified by the number of people that will use it. During the Environmental Review, he recommended a people-mover-style low floor shuttlebus to a station at Leitrim.
Riley Brockington: He is ready to meet to discuss details of the stations on the Trillium and Confederation Lines.
Bernie Geiger: One of the major improvements will be a new bus station at Walkley which will allow you to transfer from the 146 bus to the train but the new station at Gladstone will slow travel time. Will you be able to access the bus station at Walkley from Bank St?
Riley Brockington: Yes

Riley Brockington: He put in place traffic calming measures in the Quinterra neighbourhood last year and this year he asked the residents for their comments.
Sue McCarthy: Cars that turn off Hunt Club onto Uplands are going too fast!

Riley Brockington: March 15th to the 18th is the Stanley Cup 125 Tribute.
There is a green advance arrow so traffic coming north on Riverside can turn onto Rivergate.
There are new library kiosks at the Community Centre.
He will be hosting an Earth Day Event April 22 and a Strawberry Social Friday, June 2 2017. Sue McCarthy and Brian Wade will be available to sell memberships and to promote our association and the community garden.

Business arising from last meeting’s minutes

Christine Johnson: The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is doing an Accommodation Review and it is looking for representatives in Hunt Club and Alta Vista:
Bernie Geiger: He was on the Parent Teacher group at St. Patrick’s High School.
John Sankey: He is friends with 3 Muslim families. They have enrolled with the Catholic School Board.
Dan Kaplansky: He is interested in being a representative.

Christine Johnson: HCCO and the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre are hosting an event Harmony in Cultures on May 13th from 11 am to 4 pm:
So far over $1000 has been raised!

The Environment Committee is working on a community garden called My Backyard. The Committee had to complete its application and had to know right away how much it would receive from the HCCO. The directors were polled by e-mail on the amount that the HCCO would give: $1500. Sue McCarthy and Brian Wade have volunteered to man a table at the Earth Day event.

Sue McCarthy: The March issue went out.
John Sankey: There are 30 subscribers for the electronic copy.
Brian Wade: The electronic copy doesn’t have the flyers [this has been corrected since the meeting].

Brian Wade: The City gives HCCO members a 20% discount on fitness programs but it requires proof of membership so he has designed and printed brand new membership cards. One person asked to become a member after seeing the Newsletter.

Brian Wade: He is trying to establish a community garden next to Uplands Court where he lives. The community garden is called My Backyard. He has received $1500 from the HCCO. He has to complete a new application to Just Foods which is the funding agency. The Uplands Court Condo Board is in favour of supplying water but the City seems to have objections.

Volunteer Ottawa
Christine Johnson: Volunteer Ottawa is giving a course on being on a board of directors. Cost is $260 per person.

Motion: To pay half the cost for two directors to go on the course this year. Total cost is $260. Funds permitting, funds be provided for this course or a similar course in the future. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy.
Al Gullon: It’s not needed. You’re not going to learn anything new.
Christine Johnson: This course is the opportunity to learn something new which may be relevant to this board in particular, establishing goals and a clear focus for each operational year. As our account funds are quickly being depleted, we need to be thinking of ways to get revenue for our association, if we want to continue to be able to offer events, such as the Fall Community Festival, and others.
Peter Brimacombe: He volunteered to go on the course. He hopes that the course will provide insight and perspective on being on the Board and particularly on the constitution.
Brian Wade: He works for War Amps and is on the Condo Board at Uplands Court. He hopes the course will provide an opportunity to meet people who are on other boards and gain their experience.
John Sankey: The money we have came from running the skating rinks.
Mark Waymann: We need to look at past achievements and develop a 5-year plan.
Riley Brockington: A community association is essential. He could not do his work without one.
Vote on Motion: carried

Community Event December 29, 2017
Motion: To contribute $500 to a community party sponsored by Riley Brockington to celebrate the end of Canada’s 150th anniversary. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Harvest House
David Armitage: Harvest House is a program to help recovering alcoholics.

Next Meeting: Monday April 3 at 19:00