Meetings & Documents

December 3, 2018

Monthly Meeting
December 3, 2018


  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson, Past President
  • Lynette Joseph
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Abiodun Mosuro
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • John Sankey
  • Melanie Winwood, South East Ottawa Community Health Centre
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • Dora Joseph
  • Yvonne Marshall
  • Marwan Nahal

Motion: To accept the agenda as presented by the Vice President, Sue McCarthy. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Abiodun Mosuro, carried.

Motion: To accept the November minutes. Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Lynette Joseph, carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Report – it is presented as an appendix. He asked for approval to pay the following:

Item Payee Amount
Web site hosting John Sankey 60.10
December newsletter Christine Johnson 475.79

Motion: To accept the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Dianne Nahal, carried.

Tornado Assistance
Melanie Winwood: In September, a tornado hit our area, causing damage and disruption. For example, there was damage in the Quarry Co-op. Help is available through the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre which she represents. People may have had to throw out food if they were without power. They may be covered by insurance but cannot afford the deductible. They may have put tarps over their roofs but the wind whips the tarps around causing on-going anxiety. Help is available in the form of gift cards donated by private firms such as Canadian Tire and Metro. Counselling sessions are available.
Christine Johnson: There are 180 units in the Quarry Co-op. We need volunteers there to deliver the newsletter.

Library Lockers & Kiosk Closures
Sue McCarthy: Ottawa Public Library had installed lockers and an automated kiosk in the Community Centre. It is now considering shutting them down as the equipment wears out.
Christine Johnson: She uses the lockers but not the automated kiosk. She is concerned about library services in our community.

Motion: To send a letter to the Councillor, to the Ottawa Public Library Chief Librarian and to the Ottawa Public Library Board of Directors to address our concerns about recent announcements reducing library services. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

Parking on Paul Anka
Sue McCarthy: Cars parked on Paul Anka reduce the visibility of cars leaving a private parking lot. Parking should be restricted to allow better visibility. Sarah Marsaw reported this issue to Councillor Riley Brockington. The HCCA to follow up with the Councillor about the possibility of restricting parking on Paul Anka near the driveway into her condo development.

Website Redesign
Kristy Nystrom: The new web site will better engage the community. It will better present the minutes and bylaws.
John Sankey: We have agreed to get our own domain name: We had been using National Capital Freenet. All the content has been moved over to the new website, hosted by Host Papa.
Sue McCarthy: Host Papa had a special rate for Black Friday – $65 instead of $135. Brian Wade has recommended Word Press to manage the web content.

Council Priorities, 2018-2022
Sue McCarthy: The new City Council was just elected and will consider its priorities for the new term. Some things to consider are environment, road repair and traffic. She asked that board members send their suggestions for council priorities to her by Monday, December 10th.
Peter Brimacombe: The four-way stop at McCarthy and Southmore, slows south-bound traffic on McCarthy to the point where McCarthy is jammed from Walkley to Southmore. The Walkley intersection is a kilometer away but during a snow storm the intersection doesn’t clear because McCarthy is jammed.
Sue McCarthy: She and Brian Wade met with the Riverside Park Community Association. One of the items discussed was funding for the Victoria Day Celebrations.
Al Gullon: He would like to promote Shared Space:

Federation of Community Associations
Sue McCarthy: The Federation of Community Associations is the forum for community associations and similar non-profit groups in Ottawa. It provides lots of ideas and is the avenue to valuable connections. It meets every month. Board members could attend on a rotational basis.

Walkability Survey
Sue McCarthy: She, Dora Joseph and Claudette Hudson did a survey and prepared a report. They submitted it to the Council on Aging and the City.
HCCA members conducted a Walkability Survey in Februrary 2018 along with reps from the Ottawa Council on Ageing. A report with observations and recommendations was submitted to the Ottawa Council on Aging and is included in its report:
Sue McCarthy, Dora Joseph and Claudette Hudson attended a meeting where the Ottawa Council on Aging presented the results of the 2018 Walkability Surveys and a new initiative called the Snow Mole audit. It’s a quick Walkability Survey you can do by yourself or in a group. The 11 question survey is available on the website:
Dianne Nahal: There is a walkway from the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway to the Greenboro Transit Station at South Keys. The section just outside the Transit Station is frequently under water. As it gets colder, it freezes and is a hazard. She sent a photo to the City.
Christine Johnson: She and Sue McCarthy were walking through Paul Landry Park and noticed that snowplows doing Gilboa Place had dumped snow into the environmentally protected part of the Park’s woods. They spoke to the property manager and she promised to speak to the contractor.
Yvonne Marshall: The sidewalk on Uplands at Archer Square is blocked with snow but it’s more that the pavement is uneven and when it’s icy, you can easily slip.

Art Class
Dianne Nahal: She runs the Art Club. It’s a drop-in club. Fee is $2. People bring their own art supplies. Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:30. Six to fourteen people come.

Next meeting: Monday January 7, 2019 at 19:00


Appendix Tresurer's Report
November 2018 summary for the 3 December 2018 Meeting
Sponsorships from C Kroeger, Rimalou Drugs and Desjardins were deposited. Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee.
No activity.

Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $ 132.00
Art Club Fund $ 12.89
The Parks People $ 412.42
Balance Sub-accounts $ 2,057.31

Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2018 $ 5,827.74
Year to date receipts, HCCO $1,228.35
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 649.74
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 578.61
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 6,462.02
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 8,519.33
Desjardins account $ 8,536.36
Desjardins share (to be confirmed) $ 10.00
Other chq002 outstanding, $ -27.03

Total all funds $ 8,519.33

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one $110 sponsorship for the June ,one for September and three for December.
Approval is requested for payments as follows:
John Sankey $60.10 for web site registration and hosting.
Christine Johnson $475.79 for printing the Dec News and bags for News delivery.