Meetings & Documents

June 3, 2019

Monthly Meeting
June 3, 2019


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson, Past-President
  • Lynette Joseph-Sankey
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • John Sankey
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • John Adeyemi
  • May Douba
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • Dora Joseph
  • Tania Mushka
  • Marwan Nahal
  • John Reid
  • Barb Shea
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu

Brian Wade: Presented the agenda and asked for approval. Approved

Brian Wade: Asked for approval of the May minutes. Approved

Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Report. It is presented as an appendix.

Motion: To approve payment of three items:

Item Payee Amount
FCA meeting Sue McCarthy 68.20
Art Club room City of Ottawa 212.98
Newsletter Christine Johnson 465.03

Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Al Gullon, carried.

Councillor’s Report:

Riley Brockington presented the Councillor’s Report. Items:
Claridge, on Hunt Club Road: construction ongoing
Taggart, on Riverside Drive: no site plan application
New Director of the Community Centre: Jennifer Cunningham
The Confederation Line is scheduled to be handed over to the City, June 30.
FEDCO ( Finance and Economic Development Committee ) Ward boundaries are being reviewed. The thing is to have equal population in each ward as far as possible. River Ward has more than the average.
Information Session: Ready for Rail: This information session will be held at the Jim Durrell Centre, June 17. Councillors Cloutier, Deans and Brockington will be there.
Opening of the Sue Holloday Fitness Park, Saturday June 15

Road Paving:
Hunt Club Road between Bowesville and Paul Anka, this summer
Airport Parkway between Hunt Club and the Airport, this summer
Riverside Drive between Hunt Club and Hogs Back, next year. dependent on Taggart Development, Canoe Bay. co-ordinated with the closure of the two bridges at Hogs Back
Sidewalk Inventory: He will review every sidewalk in the Ward. Residents are invited to comment. Sidewalk accessibility is important.

Mayor’s Annual Breakfast for Seniors, June 29
Riverside Park Community Association: Riverside Park is directly north of Hunt Club. The two communities share the Community Centre. The Riverside Park Community Association met last Saturday. The demise of the Community Voice Newspaper was a topic. Maybe something could be done to replace it. If the two community associations could pool their efforts there would be enough content for a newspaper.

There is an application to name the Seniors’ Room in the Community Centre after the late Kathy Ablett, a former River Ward Trustee for the Catholic School Board.  The application has been submitted.

May Douba: Is there any way we can increase the use of public transportation?

Riley Brockington: Buses on Riverside Drive suffer the same traffic delays as private cars. The O-Train will be shut down for two years to prepare for the Trillium Line. People should look at other ways of travelling.

Sue McCarthy: The Federal Government is bringing in work pods to allow people to do their jobs without having to commute a long way.

John Sankey: 25% of bus stops are in excess of the guidelines. Every excess stop slows people down. He thinks that specific neighbourhoods should be identified where the goal is to allow people to live without cars.

John Reid: He would like to thank City workers for cleaning up the leaves on a pathway near him. And he would like to thank Riley Brockington for help in getting the Ottawa Public Library Board minutes.

Ijeoma Udechukwu: It takes her over an hour to get to St Vincent Hospital in her car because of closures on Bronson.

Riley Brockington: He saw traffic problems when Elgin and Bronson closed. He will follow up.

Christine Johnson: The Provincial Government has put forward Bill 108 which makes changes to development charges.

Riley Brockington: He is on the City committee which is considering the impact of Bill 108.

Arts in the Park
Dianne Nahal: Saturday June 15, Paul Landry Park, 11:00 to 15:00. This is a family friendly event designed to celebrate local arts in all their forms, with a special focus on interactive artistic experiences.
If you are interested in displaying your visual art works please contact Dianne Nahal at If you are a performing artist or writer and would like to participate, contact Christine Johnson. Feel free to bring a musical instrument, a puppet, a book, your sketches/paintings or any other artistic expression you may wish to share at this free event.

Fall Festival
Sue McCarthy: Saturday, September 7, 11:00 to 15:00. At the Community Centre. Free food, Bouncy Castle, face painting, games for kids, music, a plant exchange, a book drive to benefit the Ottawa Public Library and community exhibitors.
The Festival is a partnership with the City of Ottawa, the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre, the Riverside Park Community&Recreation Association and the Hunt Club Community Association. Volunteers are needed.

Building Community
During the May meeting, Brian asked everybody to think about “How can we be more inclusive?” Is there something that we could do to engage more of our community? Is there something we are doing that is creating barriers? Members present at the meeting had an open discussion on the topic.

Christine Johnson: There is already great diversity in our community. We are building bridges. We’ve come a long way.
May Douba: She would like to see outside activities that encourage people to get together. Examples would be backgammon and chess tables.

Sue McCarthy: We could hold our meetings at the Emmanuel Apostolic Church on McCarthy Road.

Ijeoma Udechukwu: Community kitchens would allow people with different backgrounds to cook food and share it with others.

Sue McCarthy: The kitchen in the Community Centre would be a good spot but the stove is not properly vented.

Marilyn Koch: She is proud of the community. She would like to make it better, she would like to make it a great place.

John Reid: Around his house, there are islands in the middle of the road. People make gardens there which contributes to community spirit.

Dianne Nahal: Youth programs are too expensive. Some youths are tagging property and exhibiting negative behaviour because they don’t have enough to do.

Lynette Joseph-Sankey: There could be motivational parks that encourage people to plant plants.

Ottawa’s Master Plan
The deadline to contribute feedback to the review of the City’s Official Plan has been extended. City staff made a special presentation to the city’s accessibility advisory committee, May 28. Ottawa will soon reach a population of one million people. City staff made the point: We need to think and plan like a mature mid-sized global city. The Goal of the new Official Plan is to make Ottawa the most liveable mid-sized city in North America. A report entitled Ottawa Next: Beyond 2036 presented five areas of concern; Urban Form (intensification), Mobility (transportation networks, complete communities near transit stations) Community Design (community hubs, create unique character in neighbourhoods), Environment (green spaces, climate resistant design, healthy communities) and the Economy. From this report, the city has produced nine discussion papers as a tool to engage residents and provide a bit more context on each of these five areas of concern.
Attached to the meeting agenda is a PDF of the online feedback form, so that you can get an idea of the types of questions being asked at this stage of the official plan review. Brian asked that everybody should read through the material and pass along any comments to him. These comments will be compiled and submitted as feedback from HCCA.

Tania Mushka: On her computer, the online form did not open properly to be completed and sent online. Regarding the Plan feedback, what the HCCA sends collectively as an association will have weight. The Beyond 2036 paper makes assumptions which need to be looked at. Especially important is whether the policy of Intensification should trump other considerations.

Peter Brimacombe: The Ontario Municipal Board routinely overrules elected council and subverts the planning process. The OMB was replaced with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal which had a new set of rules but then the new entity was required to operate with the old set of rules. Whatever you call it, the OMB is designed and works for small municipalities but doesn’t work for large cities such as Ottawa and Toronto. Planning committee is intimidated by the OMB. We saw this in the two recent decisions: Claridge and Taggart.

Christine Johnson: The emphasis should be on social cohesion – “a more complete community”.

Ontario Non-Profit Registration
We hired Ontario Business Central to register the Hunt Club Community Association as an Ontario not-for-profit corporation. Registration is now complete. Registration allows us to make agreements with the City, get insurance and provides us the option to make presentations to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.

Federation of Citizen Associations of Ottawa
Riverside Park Recreation and Community Association (RPRCA) and the Hunt Club Community Association (HCCA) hosted the May meeting of the Federation of Citizen Associations of Ottawa (FCA). A highlight of the meeting was a presentation on the city’s new toolkit for community associations. HCCA has two copies of the toolkit.

Hunt Club/Riverside Park Steering Committee
The Hunt Club/Riverside Park Steering Committee is group of organizations whose goal is to build a more vibrant community in the areas served by the Hunt Club Community Association, the Riverside Park Recreation and Community Association and the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre. During the meeting on May 30, the topic of food security was discussed and the Market Mobile Ottawa service which provides food at cost to people in need.

South East Ottawa Community Health Centre – Youth Programs
Youth Programs offered by South East Ottawa Community Health Centre (SEOCHC) are 100% funded by The United Way. The United Way recently advised SEOCHC that funding for these youth programs will stop at the end of June as United Way’s donors have earmarked their donations towards other programs, such as Tornado and Flood relief. SEOCHC will spend the summer reviewing their youth programming and will try to find other sustainable funding.

Annual Hunt Club Cares Garage Sale: This event will be held on Saturday, June 8

Riley’s International Cultures Mural Fund Gala
The Multicultural Dinner Event is planned for June 27th at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre. This is a fundraiser with proceeds going towards the maintenance of our mural “Canadian Pride, Harmony in Cultures”. Claudia Salguera will be performing latin music. There will be ethnic foods. Everyone is asked to contribute. You can buy tickets at the door or you can donate through the Councillor’s office.

Safe Driving for the Older Adults
Barb Shea: At a previous HCCA meeting, Barb agreed to contact and work with The Council on Aging Ottawa (COA) to see about the provision of two of their programs in our neighbourhood. The programs are: Car Fit which reviews how well the vehicle is best adjusted to fit older drivers and Fitness to Drive as We Age which is a two hour workshop that goes over the rules of the road and other important information.

Action: The Council on Aging and Councillor Brockington’s office are working to provide the Fitness to Drive program at the Older Adult Summit this fall and the CarFit program will be held at a date yet to be determined.

Communications/Website Update
Barb Shea: In terms of reaching our neighbourhood residents and attracting an expanded audience, what is the status of the website update and other plans for communication e.g. use of Twitter for HCCA?

Brian Wade: HCCA relies on volunteers and without them we cannot serve residents well. HCCA has been focused on many areas and a review and update of communications will be dealt with shortly. He asked for volunteers to assist in reviewing and updating our communications activities.

Next meeting: Monday September 9 at 19:00


HCCA Treasurers Report by Peter Foulger: May 2019 summary for the 3 June 2019 Meeting
Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee. Five sponsorships were deposited. Brian Wade was paid $19.50 for room rentals from the City for meetings and Peter Brimacombe was paid $483.27 for the HCCA business registration fees.
Sub-accounts: Activity: Art Club receipts of $213.00 from Dianne Nahal were deposited.

Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $ 132.00
Art Club Fund $ 373.89
The Parks People $ 412.42
Balance Sub-accounts $ 2,418.31

Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2018 $ 5,886.36
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 3,689.39
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 2,689.39
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 993.70
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 6,880.06
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 9,298.37
Desjardins account $ 9,288.37
Desjardins share $ 10.00
Other $ 0.00

Total all funds $ 9,298.37

Receivables & Liabilities: We are owed one $110 sponsorship for September and one for June. Susan McCarthy is owed $68.20 for the FCA meeting and the City of Ottawa $212.98 for the Art Club meetings.