Event Details

Monthly meeting September

Sep 12, 2022

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Monthly meeting September

Agenda Monday September 12, 2022

welcome and introduction (1 minute)

Approval of the Agenda (2 minutes)

Approval of the Minutes (2 minutes)

we had 2 zoom meetings in the summer

Housing Affordability (15 minutes)

June 21 meeting

President’s proposed motion

Fall Festival (20 minutes)

We had a special zoom meeting August 15 to talk about the Fall Festival.  The Board needed to get a better handle on expenses.  We passed three motions which will be included in the minutes.

Fall Festival update

Library (10 minutes)

Christine Johnson to speak on Library Service

A majority of the Board cast emails in support of the following two motions, so they carry.

Two Motions to endorse the Petition to the OPL:
Whereas the HCCA states that among its main priorities is “To preserve and enhance Library Services in our community”,
Whereas HCCA members and residents have undertaken of their own initiative to create and circulate a petition calling on the Ottawa Public Library board to establish a library branch to service the Hunt Club and Riverside Park areas of the city,
1. That the HCCA Board of Directors endorses the petition to the Ottawa Public Library prepared by HCCA members and posted at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre;
2. That the HCCA Board of Directors take steps to publicize the petition at the next general members’ meeting in September 2022.

Audrey to speak in favour of the motions.

in-person meetings versus zoom (10 minutes)

Treasurer’s Report

Garage Sale


Shakespeare in the Park

Tempest, 250 people,Patrick Morton put up posters on mail boxes

City Councillor – Riley Brockington (45 minutes)