Meetings & Documents

April 3, 2006

Monthly Meeting
April 3, 2006


  • Fred MacLennan, President
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Shelley Parlow, Director
  • John Sankey, Director
  • Gillian Villeneuve

Motion: To give $100 towards the Victoria Day Fireworks and Gala. Moved by Shelley Parlow; seconded by Peter Brimacombe. Carried.

Motion: To approve the March 2006 minutes as amended. Moved by John Sankey; seconded by Shelley Parlow. Carried.

City Councillor Maria McRae submitted a written report.

John Sankey: The HCCO, in cooperation with other interested parties, is developing a logo to represent Hunt Club. An announcement will appear in The News.

Fred McLennan: received a flyer from the Task Force on Assessment and Property Tax ( MPAC ( is the government agency that does the assessments.

John Sankey: A property owner can ask MPAC to reconsider its assessment of a property – MPAC does not charge to reconsider an assessment. However, a favorable reconsideration is good only for one year. If the property owner is not satisfied with the reconsideration, he may appeal, in which case MPAC charges $285. This charge is strictly an administrative fee; he would likely have to spend many times that amount to present his case.

Gillian Villeneuve: For two years in a row she asked for reconsideration and received a favorable answer; but last year she asked a third time and was turned down.

Shelley Parlow: The City has adopted an acquistion policy whereby at the request of the landowner, it would purchase land designated as Urban Natural Feature or Major Open Space. This policy may be relevant to the Southern Corridor. The City will present the acquistion policy before the Ontario Municipal Board. PL031324 is the relevant OMB Case No. The question of a minimum requirement for parks for a neighbourhood will be discussed at an environ-mental hearing on 9 May 2006.

Next meeting: Mon 1 May 2006 at 7:30pm