Meetings & Documents

December 5, 2011

Monthly Meeting
December 5, 2011


  • John Sankey President
  • Alan Asselstine Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe Secretary
  • Peter Foulger
  • Gisèle Loiselle-Branch
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Dominic Lozada

Motion: To approve the November minutes. Moved by Gisèle Loiselle-Branch, seconded by Alan Asselstine, carried.

Pedestrian Bridge over the Airport Parkway
John Sankey: He has followed the construction of the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway. There has been a serious problem with the concrete. It is not evenly settled and there are gaps which may cause structural problems. Without further tests it is not possible to say exactly how severe the problem is. The problem is 100% the responsibility of the contractor.

Councillor’s Report
Alan Asselstine: He read the Councillor’s Report.

Proposal to Register and Report Lobbyists
John Sankey: Pursuant to a motion distributed and approved by email (8 for, none against), he sent the approved letter to the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee. The letter states that  residents must have the privilege to contact their elected representatives about any matter without registration or report. The draft bylaw was returned by the sub-committee to staff for correction.

Federal Bill C10
Peter Brimacombe: He is against the Federal Bill C10.
Motion: The HCCO opposes Bill C10 because it restricts the sentencing discretion of the judges. They are the best placed to weigh the various issues: the need to deter crime, the need to protect society, the damage done by the prison system to the people sent there and the cost of the prisons. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Dominic Lozada.
Alan Asselstine: He will not support the motion because it is a Federal issue and we have never gotten involved with them.
John Sankey: It is outside our jurisdiction. He does not agree that the judges are in the best position to weigh the various issues. He is totally frustrated by the courts who have failed to properly deal with violent criminals who have violated the security of hundreds of people.
Peter Brimacombe: He withdraws the motion.

Bronson Avenue
John Sankey: There is ongoing political pressure to restrict the flow of traffic on Bronson Avenue, north of the Queensway. It is still officially designated a “Traditional Main Street” We need to counter this pressure.
Motion: The Hunt Club Community Organization supports the consultant’s proposal that Bronson Avenue remain a four lane road with extra lanes for left-hand turns. Moved by Alan Asselstine, seconded by Peter Brimacombe.
Alan Asselstine: What happens north of the Queensway will influence the whole road. Bronson is a designated truck route.
Peter Foulger: If you throttle the traffic on Bronson, it will be pushed elsewhere.
Vote on the motion: carried unanimously.

Next Meeting
Next meeting: Monday 2 January 2012 at 19:00