Meetings & Documents

June 5, 2017

Monthly Meeting
June 5, 2017


  • Christine Johnson, President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • John Sankey, Past President
  • Dan Kaplansky
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • Brian Wade
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • David Armitage
  • Rosemary Clarke
  • May Douba
  • Bernie Geiger
  • Al Gullon
  • Linda King
  • Scott Mullenix
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Marwan Nahal
  • Claudia Salguero
  • François Savard
  • Brent Scollie
  • Barb Shea
  • Vanessa Sutton

Christine Johnson: Presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To approve the May, 2017 minutes. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

Linda King: She organized the Hunt Club Garage Sale last Saturday. 53 families participated. 45 set up in front of their houses and 9 set up at the Community Centre. Each family paid $5 to participate so $200 was raised to give to the kids summer camp. In addition Metro organized its own fund raiser and raised almost $1000 and the dentist at Capital Centre gave $300. There were only three volunteers and next year she would like more. In addition more help from businesses would be good.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor’s Report:
Paul Landry Park: He presented a sketch of the planned playground. On June 30, Paul Landry will attend the tree planting ceremony.
Claridge Homes is proposing to put an eight story retirement home and an eight story hotel on the Roofmaster property on Hunt Club Road.
David Armitage: Vehicles from the new developments will directly access Hunt Club Road. The movement onto and off Hunt Club will slow traffic. A parallel road south of Hunt Club would be better.
Riley Brockington: The issue of access is legitimate.

Fund Raiser to support three families from Syria
John Sankey: He is a member of a group helping three families from Syria. He passed out a flyer advertising a dinner at the First United Church, Saturday June 24:

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Report:
An active month! Receipts were $100 sponsorships from City of Ottawa (Brockington), C Kroeger,Can Air World Travel, Rimalou Drugs and CP Desjardins. SEOCH repaid the $300 that was incorrectly received from L King. Account interest of $0.75 and special interest of $1.72 was credited by Alterna.
Payment of $612.46 was made to C Johnson to reimburse the UPS Store bill for the June HCMC printing.
Receipts were $42 for the Art Club.
Payments of $800 and $305 were made to C Salguero for the Mural Project.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund $ 1,059.69
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Hydro Ottawa Essay Contest $ 0.00
Dec 29 Fireworks Fund $ 0.00
Mural Fund $ 0.00
Harmony in Cultures Fund $ 500.00
Art Club Fund $ 143.30
Balance Sub-accounts $ 3,202.99
Members’ Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2016 $ 9,172.74
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 7,859.91
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 3,199.80
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO ($4,660.11)
Members’ surplus, HCCO $ 4,512.63
Total funds (Members’ surplus + funds) $ 7,715.62
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 7,700.62
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 7,715.62
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one sponsorship for Dec, one for March and two for June

Claridge Homes’ proposed development
Barb Shea: She lives on Bartlett Private, right across Hunt Club Road from Claridge’s proposed development. Also on Bartlett Private are Rosemary Clarke and François Savard. Barb Shea attended a pre-planning meeting and met with the Director of Transportation. Here are the significant facts she found concerning the proposed developments:
they will overlook their backyards on Bartlett Private
they will cast shadows on their backyards
they will restrict traffic on Hunt Club Road
June 15 is the deadline for comments to the Councillor.
John Sankey: The properties have three driveways onto Hunt Club Road. They were there when it was just a dirt road and therefore have a right to remain there. The extra traffic generated by the proposed development will reduce the capacity of the road by 20 to 30 per cent and will cripple the entire City! This problem would be alleviated if access could be via Wyman Crescent which runs parallel to Hunt Club Road but the Councillor, Diane Deans is thoroughly opposed. She is second in seniority on City Council.
Bernie Geiger: Wyman Crescent is very established. The people there are thoroughly opposed to accessing the new development via their street.
Vanessa Sutton: We should look see if the proposed development conforms to the existing zoning. Especially height restrictions.
Christine Johnson: She got an email from the City saying that Claridge has submitted a site plan, amendments to the zoning and an amendment to the official plan.
David Armitage: The Province is changing the laws to give the City more authority to deny development. Claridge has submitted the site plan, amendments to the zoning and an amendment to the official plan so that the new laws do not apply.

Motion: The HCCO opposes the Claridge proposal as it currently stands. There are two concerns:
1. The development will negatively impact the safe flow of traffic in both directions on Hunt Club Road and at the intersection with the Airport Parkway and other nearby intersections.
2. The volume of occupancy, related to the height of the proposed buildings does not match the landscape and is not in keeping with lower level buildings along Hunt Club.
Moved by Barb Shea, seconded by Rosemary Clarke, carried.

Insurance Coverage
Peter Brimacombe: He contacted Sharon Pagé at the City of Ottawa. She said that the City insures community associations for services they do directly for the City such as maintaining ice rinks but the HCCO does two things which are not services done directly for the City: deliver the newsletters and clean-up of parks and streets. Therefore the HCCO is not covered.

Community Centre Mural
Claudia Salguero: The panels have been cut and are ready for painting. Two groups will do the painting: a women’s group and a youth group. They will start in July and finish in August. The actual mounting of the panels on the Community Centre must be approved by City engineers. There needs to be extra lighting on the mural once it is mounted.

Ashgrove Community Housing
Christine Johnson: Last month, neighbours picked up the garbage behind the Ashgrove Community Housing Project. She toured the site with representatives from Ottawa Community Housing. There should be better signage and education on garbage disposal. Earth bins are a special kind of garbage bin – they make it easier to throw garbage into them. She thinks an attractive ground cover would deter littering.

Ladies Professional Golf Association
Marilyn Koch: The Hunt Club Golf Course will host the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Tournament this summer. Local people have volunteered to help. Cost to attend: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: $11.30 a day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: $39.55 a day, full week $90.00 parking is included.

South East Ottawa Community Health Centre
Ijeoma Udechukwu: There is a bill before the Ontario Legislature that Ottawa make a bylaw to recognize bilingualism:
There have been people without documents come to the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre.
On June 9, the Riverside Park Community Association and the HCCO are invited to brief the Community Health Centre on issues.

Length of terms of directors
Peter Brimacombe: He and Brian Wade are re-writing the bylaws of the HCCO. One point of contention is the length of terms of the directors. He proposes one year terms. The practice for the last ten years is to have one year terms. The existing bylaws state that terms are one year. Two year terms are a burden because you have to keep track of them. The requirement for two year terms makes it more likely you would have to officially remove an inactive director. He also proposes that directors be elected or removed by a two thirds vote of directors.
Brian Wade: Two year terms promote continuity. The HCCO is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in the Province of Ontario but it is not a charity. If it were, then the Canada Revenue Agency would review its bylaws and two year terms would be seen as encouraging continuity.
John Sankey: The HCCO is an organization that advocates political issues. Such organizations cannot be charities.

Motion: Moved that the directors be elected for one year terms and that they be elected or removed by a two thirds vote of members. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Brian Wade.
Christine Johnson: There is not enough time to consider this motion. It’s deferred until the next meeting.

Christine Johnson: The number of newsletters will be reduced from 3000 to 2700 because printing costs have increased. Hopefully more readers will make use of the on-line publication.

Next meeting: Monday September 11 at 19:00