Meetings & Documents

March 11, 2019

Monthly Meeting
March 11, 2019


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice-President
  • Christine Johnson, Past-President
  • Kat Gracie
  • Al Gullon
  • Erin McCracken, Community Voice
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Renee McCarter, CNIB
  • Geneviève Hart, CNIB
  • Kathleen Forestell, CNIB
  • Marwan Nahal
  • Brent Scollie
  • John Sankey
  • Lynette Joseph
  • Riley Brockington, City Councillor

As part of the welcome and introductions, congratulations were offered to directors Lynette Joseph and John Sankey on their upcoming marriage on March 30th.

Brian Wade asked if there were additions to the Agenda. Christine Johnson requested an item be added under New Business regarding the Community Centre’s bulletin board. As there were no other items added, Sue McCarthy moved that the Agenda be accepted with Christine’s addition and Christine seconded. Motion carried.

Brian Wade asked if there were any changes to the February minutes. Christine moved to accept the minutes and Lynette Joseph seconded. The February minutes were accepted.

Special Presentation
Brian asked that Marwan Nahal introduce the special guests from the CNIB. Kathleen Forestall, Lead, Advocacy & Community Outreach from the CNIB, introduced herself and her colleagues, Renee McCarter and Genieviève Hart. Kathleen Forestall then provided an overview of the history of the CNIB and their programs and services. It is a CNIB mission that all Canadians with sight issues have the necessary skills and abilities. She spoke about the legal definition of blindness, the various causes of blindness. Greater than 1 million Canadians suffer from a form of blindness. Some of the programs and services provided by the CNIB include:

  • Rehab services
  • Independent living skills
  • Programs for children and families
  • Low vision services
  • Peer support with monthly meetings
  • Recreation and arts and culture
  • One on one volunteer matching
  • A new guide dog program
  • Shop CNIB – assistive products
  • CNIB camp in the Muskokas for clients of all ages
  • Literacy programs, a braille group

Kathleen stated that the aim of CNIB Advocacy and Outreach is to connect with the community to provide awareness about blindness. She is working with city organizations such as OC Transpo and various community associations.
Kathleen and Genevieve also shared their experience with blindness. Both have guide dogs to assist them. Kathleen closed by saying that CNIB would be pleased to attend any community events to provide information about their programs and services.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington said that his Women’s Day event, held on March 6th, was a success with at least 75 people attending.
Riley has hired a new staff member, Andrew Hickey, who will be working 4 days a week at city hall and occasionally at the community centre, handling various files.
Riley asked for a volunteer from the community association to help with a fundraiser to help Claudia Salguero cover insurance cost of $800/year for the mural she donated to the city affixed on the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre. Kat Gracie is already slated to assist with it. Riley envisions this event to be a multi-cultural event, hopefully to be held in June, before Canada Day. Christine Johnson mentioned that TD Park People events are planned for June 1st, June 11th and 29th and asked that the fundraiser be on another date in June. Riley would like to start preparations for the planned event this month or early April. Lynette Joseph said she could assist in April and she has had experience in planning large events.
Riley then provided updates on the development proposals at 3930 and 3960 Riverside Drive, as well as, 1026-1054 Hunt Club Road. He also spoke about plans for road paving this summer,
Stage 2 LRT approval, the Ottawa Public Library Budget Delegation, Budget 2019, the Transportation Committee Budget Meeting, and Potholes. He will host 2 annual events: the River Ward Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 13th and the Strawberry Social on Thursday, June 6th. Please see the attached for details of Riley’s report.

Treasurer’s Report
Brian Wade presented the Treasurer’s report (attached) on behalf of Peter Foulger. Brent Scollie moved that the report be accepted. Lynette Joseph seconded the motion.

Library Services Committee
Christine Johnson provided an update on HCCA presentation to the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) Board on March 4th. It was a successful meeting and HCCA’s presentation was well received. The surveys are coming along well; they are due by March 31st. The top 3 suggestions are: author visits, health & wellness (context?), and lectures and discussions. The OPL has offered to provide a session with staff to talk about library services at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre (HCRPCC). Christine is going to suggest that this be held on Wednesday, April 17th from 2:30 to 4:00 pm. That date is optimal because there is free bus service for seniors.
Christine is also investigating the use of commercial space (e.g. at the Hunt Club Centre where there are empty stores) for a satellite library like the ones that exist at Elmvale Acres and in Blackburn Hamlet.

New Business

Bulletin Board
Christine Johnson decried the state of the bulletin board at the HCRPCC. She feels it is poorly maintained and very messy. She would like to see a bulletin board for the exclusive use of the HCCA. Motion presented by Christine, Seconded by John Sankey.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Al Gullon and seconded by Brent Scollie. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.


HCCA Treasurers Report by Peter Foulger
February 2019 summary for the 4 March 2019 Meeting
Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee. The $35 fee for HCCA membership in FCA was paid.
Sponsorships for the March news were received from the City of Ottawa, Rimalou Drugs, Candy
Kroeger, CanAir World Travel and Ottawa South Conservative Assn.
No activity
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $ 132.00
Art Club Fund $ 160.89
The Parks People $ 412.42
Balance Sub-accounts $ 2,205.31
Member's Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2018 $ 5,827.74
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 2,588.35
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 1,232.43
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 1,355.92
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 7,242.28
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 9,447.59
Desjardins account $ 9,437.59
Desjardins share $ 10.00
Other $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 9.447.59
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one $110 sponsorship for December and one for March.
C Johnson is to be reimbursed $465.65 for the March news printing and $46.97 for the Library