Meetings & Documents

March 5, 2007

Monthly Meeting
March 5, 2007


  • Fred McLennan, President
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Shelley Parlow
  • John Sankey
  • Gisèle Loiselle-Branch
  • Pat Murphy Assistant to the Councillor

Motion: To accept the February minutes. moved by John Sankey, seconded by Fred McLennan. carried

Pat Murphy tabled the Councillor’s report. Part of the report describes the City’s Stormwater Management Strategy.
Shelley Parlow: Stormwater management is an important issue and she supports the City’s initiative. What is happening with the Southern Corridor?
Pat Murphy: She will check for developments.

Fred McLennan: Thanks to Maria McRae for the Certificates of Appreciation which she gave to the directors.

John Sankey: At the last meeting, there were four motions concerning bus stops. The public input at the meeting did not represent the views of the people who live next to the bus stops and the people that voted against the Huntwood Stop do not use it. We should consider how to better gather public input for future meetings.
Peter Brimacombe: If we are considering the removal of a bus stop, we could relax the requirement that 90% of the people in our community be within a certain distance of a bus stop. We could distribute notice to the people at the bus stop since they would be the ones most affected.
Shelley Parlow: Garbage cans at bus stops would actually increase costs. If we are considering the removal of a bus stop then all taxpayers should be considered and not just the ones found at the bus stops.
Gisèle Loiselle-Branch: The bus stop at the Quickie on McCarthy Road needs a garbage can. Has OC Transpo held public consultations in office buildings?
John Sankey: We have to look for savings because OC Transpo costs are up 7% but fares are up only 2%. The City makes up the difference.

Fred McLennan: This year, the budget raided the reserve fund making future budgets more difficult.

John Sankey: With the help of Peter Vasdi, the transfer of the website is now complete and satisfies our concerns:

Motion: To appoint John Sankey as Web Master. Moved by Shelley Parlow, seconded by Peter Brimacombe. carried.

Fred McLennan: Barbara Squire Hunt Club/Riverside Community Services Centre has sent us a letter, asking for our support for their move to a bigger store in the A&P Plaza.
Shelley Parlow: We need more information about what we are supporting. Would they consider moving to the expanded Community Centre?
Fred McLennan: He will ask Barbara Squire about the Community Centre and what is the extra cost of the bigger store.

Next meeting: Monday, April 2 at 19:30