Meetings & Documents

May 6, 2019

Monthly Meeting
May 6, 2019


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson, Past President
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Abiodun Mosuro
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • John Adeyemi
  • Denyse Baizana
  • Louise Brunelle
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • Tania Mushka
  • Marwan Nahal
  • Les Schram
  • Barb Shea
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu
  • Kathy Wright

Brian Wade: Presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To accept the agenda as presented. Moved by Denyse Baizana seconded by Christine Johnson, carried.

Motion: To accept the April, 2019 minutes. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Tania Mushka, carried.

Safe Driving for the Older Adults
Louise Brunelle: As part of the Council on Aging of Ottawa she would like to present two programs and ask for our help. The first program is Car Fit
Its purpose is to see how well the vehicle fits older drivers. If the seat position is too close to the air bags, the headrest and mirrors are adjusted properly. People would drive their cars in and CarFit technicians would assess the vehicle and the driver. It takes 20 minutes; there is no cost. The technicians need volunteers and free parking.
The second program is Fitness to Drive as We Age:
It is a two hour workshop that goes over the rules of the road, the requirements to renew your license if you are over 80 or if you are over 70 and have had an accident.
Al Gullon: His studies into traffic safety show that all accidents are caused by the Absent Minded Professor Syndrome ( AMPS ). He is interested in helping.
Louise Brunelle: People are devastated if they lose their licenses. The City did have five people working with the program but they have been cut back to two, so she needs help to run the programs.

Motion: That Barb Shea work with the Council on Aging to provide CarFit and Fitness to Drive. Moved by Barb Shea, seconded by Tania Mushka, carried.

President’s Report
Brian Wade: We registered our 100th member! The Board held a mini retreat on April 27 where we started to examine what we do and how we do it. The first change that we would like to implement is the distribution of the minutes. Currently after a monthly meeting, the Secretary will send out the minutes to the attendees of the that meeting. Then people will submit their corrections to the Secretary, who makes the corrections to the minutes and redistributes the updated draft minutes to those who attended. This often leads to lots of emails being sent, several different versions of the minutes in circulation and confusion. Therefore, starting with this meeting, the Secretary will send out the minutes to those in attendance and set a deadline for corrections. The corrected version of the minutes will be sent to the President who will then send them out to all members with the agenda for next monthly meeting.

Vice President’s Report
Sue McCarthy: She attended a meeting at Councillor Brockington’s office with Terry Woods from the Riverside Park Community and Recreation Association, Norman Payne from the Ridgewood Community Association and officials from OC Transpo and the LRT Phase 2 Project. The purpose of the meeting was to get information about some connectivity issues and station design of the Walkley, Greenboro and South Keys stations.
Specifically, there were questions about how existing bus lines will be affected and how they will be integrated with the new LRT. As well, there were concerns about the timeliness of the 87 bus and access to the Community Centre. The OC Transpo and LRT reps stated that existing bus lines which stop at the LRT stations will be shortened so that reliability will be improved.
Concerns were raised about the LRT Phase 2 project being completed at the same time as three other major projects: Airport Parkway expansion, the new off ramp and roundabout off Walkley Road and the redevelopment of Bank Street. There was also a concern raised about the feasibility to drive and drop off at the Walkley LRT station. The LRT project rep stated that it was probably not feasible.
There will be a public information session on the LRT Stage 2 project in the early fall.
Riley Brockington: The Trillium Line runs from Bayview Station south, to Greenboro Station. It is currently in operation but it will be shut down for two years. From 2020 to 2022.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Report. It is presented as an appendix.

Ottawa Public Library
Christine Johnson: The Library Service Sub-committee is made up of Barb Shea, John D. Reid and herself. They hosted an information session; there were 15 participants. Staff from the Ottawa Public Library explained the services available, especially how the kiosk at the Community Centre works. Sometimes, people push the buttons but the machine doesn’t work. That’s because it must contact the main branch but there isn’t enough bandwidth.
Al Gullon: Is Doug Ford cutting library services?
Christine Johnson: He is cutting inter-library services which doesn’t impact the main library services, very much.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor’s Report. items:
3930-3960 Riverside Drive Development: On April 10, City Council approved the zoning bylaw amendment application from Taggart Developments for its property. The vote was 17 to 5. He was one of five who voted against.
Christine Johnson: There will be a new intersection on Riverside Drive for the development. Taggart Developments will pay for the traffic light but the City will pay for the turning lane, out of development charges.
Riley Brockington: A member of Council proposed that the turning lane be paid out of development charges. The proposal is now part of the plan.
Kathy Wright: Until recently city development decisions could be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). This body has now been replaced with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal but it will use the old OMB rules. Why? What will be the impact?
Hogs Back Road Construction: There are two bridges. The swing bridge is owned by the National Capital Commission and the fixed bridge over the waterfall, is owned by Parks Canada Both bridges will be replaced. There will be significant traffic impacts, including lengthy closures to Hog’s Back Road. There is an information session on Monday, May 13 at the Carleton Heights Community Centre.
Riverside Park Nursery School: It will be built on Springland Drive between Holy Cross Parish and Holy Cross School. There will be an information session on Wednesday, May 22 at 19:00 at the Riverside Churches.
Road Paving: Hunt Club Road from Bowesville to Paul Anka will be paved. The Airport Parkway from Hunt Club Road to the Airport will be re-surfaced. Riverside Drive from Hunt Club Road to Hog’s Back Road needs to be paved. The plan is to pave it over two summers, from 2020 to 2021.
Ottawa International Airport: He attended the Annual General Meeting of the Ottawa International Airport Authority. In 2018, passenger volume was over 5 million. The Airport has started construction on a new passenger screening area. Over the next few years, a new ALT Airport hotel will be built, connected to the airport, as well as the LRT phase 2 station.
Strawberry Social: He will host the annual Strawberry Social, Thursday, June 6, from 13:30 to 15:30, at the Community centre. Call Andrea Ward at 613 580-2486 or email at
Multicultural Dinner and Entertainment: The mural Canadian Pride, Harmony in Cultures on the Community Centre is not maintained or insured by the City. He will host a fundraiser to cover the cost. It will be held on June 27 at the Community Centre.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: She would like to help.
Dates: He will host the Older Adult Summit on Friday October 4 at the Community Centre.
Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge: There were design problems with the bridge and the City sued the designers. Details are confidential, but the City recouped millions of dollars.
Naming of City Facilities: The Seniors’ Room at the Community Centre will be named after Kathy Ablett, former Catholic School Board Trustee. There are considerations for a name for the Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge.
Community Voice: The Ottawa South, edition of Community Voice has folded.
Planning Committee: He has been re-appointed to the City Planning Committee.

Ontario Non-Profit Registration
Peter Brimacombe: He paid Ontario Business Central $483.27 to register the Hunt Club Community Association as an Ontario not-for-profit corporation. Registration will be an official recognition of our name. There are a number of forms to fill out. He needs the names and addresses of the President, Vice President and Treasurer.
Peter Foulger: His name and address are on all his emails.

Ottawa’s Master Plan
Brian Wade: Our efforts regarding the zoning by-law amendment for 3930 and 3960 Riverside Drive was not quite what we had hoped but they were nevertheless successful! There was an increase from one councillor voting against it at planning committee to five councillors who voted against at council. We made great strides in raising awareness about the dangers of the Riverside/Hunt Club intersection and that planning, and transportation are not co-ordinated, which was featured on CTV News:
The Board decided not to appeal council’s decision but rather focus our resources on providing comments into the review of the City’s Official Plan.
Riley Brockington: There will be a new Master Plan for the City and there is an opportunity to have influence:

Motion: That HCCA submit feedback into the review of the city’s Official Master Plan. Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by Ijeoma Udechukwu, carried.
Riley Brockington: He could bring a city expert to give a 20 minute overview.

Building Community
Brian Wade: As noted earlier, The Board of Directors held a mini-retreat and we discussed what communities need and want. Basically we agreed that people want a safe, clean community where they feel they belong. We agreed that our mission is to unify people. As part of that discussion we discussed diversity and inclusiveness, and how we don’t see a lot of diversity on the Board or at our monthly meetings. On the agenda for the next meeting, will be a discussion on how can we be more inclusive?
How are we treating the most vulnerable?
The Government of Ontario is cutting legal aid. Legal aid helps people who would otherwise have no help. Gary Stein, Executive Director of Legal Services of Ottawa has made a plea for everybody to sign a petition to stop the cuts.

Motion: That HCCA sign the online petition calling on the Ontario Government to stop the Legal Aid cuts and to write a letter to all of the Ottawa MPPs.
Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by Tania Mushka, carried.

Next meeting: Monday June 3, at 19:00

HCCA Treasurers Report by Peter Foulger
April 2019 summary for the 6 May 2019 Meeting
Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee. Christine Johnson was reimbursed $430.07 for the bulletin board. Memberships of $220 and the Riverside Park Recreation & Community Assn. 50% share of the bulletin board, $215.04, were deposited.
No activity

Garden Fund 						$  1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund					$     132.00
Art Club Fund						$     160.89
The Parks People					$     412.42
Balance Sub-accounts				$  2,205.31

Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August  2018			$ 5,886.36
Year to date receipts, HCCO			$ 3,133.39
Year to date expenses, HCCO			$ 2,183.97
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO		$    949.42
Member's surplus, HCCO				$  6,835.78
Total funds (Members surplus + funds)		$  9,041.09
Desjardins account					$  9,031.09
Desjardins share 					$       10.00
Other							$         0.00

Total all funds					$  9,041.09

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one $110 sponsorship for September.  
Brian Wade is owed $19.50 for room rentals from the City for meetings.