Meetings & Documents

May 7, 2007

Monthly Meeting
May 7, 2007


  • Alan Asselstine, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Shelley Parlow
  • John Sankey
  • Pat Murphy, Assistant to the Councillor
  • Gillian Villeneuve
  • Frank Horger
  • Barbara Horger

Frank Horger: The 41 rush hour bus is being eliminated, it goes from Uplands Drive to Bronson Avenue and it’s the only bus that goes the length of Bronson.
John Sankey: OC Transpo is cutting service due to budget cuts and it is taking 50 buses out of service.
Gillian Villeneuve: doesn’t take the 41 because it’s very inconvenient – an eight minute car ride takes an hour and a half on the 41 bus.
There was a general understanding of the importance of the 41 to the community especially those going to points west of downtown and that the 87 is not a acceptable alternative. The 87 is irregular and goes the long way to downtown.

Motion: a) The HCCO sees the 41 Bus as an important service and sees its cancellation as disruptive to our community. b) That a letter be sent to the Councillor, Maria McRae moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Alan Asselstine: The City is going to redo the Rapid Transit Expansion Study. As a community we need to monitor this study as it will have impacts on us.

Motion: To accept the April 2007 minutes. moved by John Sankey, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Pat Murphy asked for support of Laura Brisson’s application to beautify the entrance to Quintera/Riverwood.

Motion: To support Laura Brisson’s application to the City’s Green Partnership Program to beautify the entrance to Quintera/Riverwood. moved by Shelley Parlow, seconded by Peter Brimacombe, carried.

Pat Murphy tabled the Councillor’s report. The issue of fluorescent light bulbs was raised as a means of saving electricity. The Comprehensive Zoning By-law is now available in draft form.
John Sankey: Fluorescent light bulbs do contain mercury but because they are extremely efficient they result in less over-all emission of mercury into the environment than incandescent light bulbs. However, if compact florescent light bulbs are used in bathrooms or other places where they are turned on and off a lot then their life expectancy is the same as incandescent light bulbs. Their benefits are lost in those situations.

Shelley Parlow: She attended the OMB pre-hearing on April 23, 2007. The City and the NCC asked for a postponement. The Comprehensive Zoning By-law could affect the Southern Corridor and other aspects of our community and so should be monitored.

Peter Brimacombe: Councillor Peter Hume has proposed that seniors could defer their property taxes and the unpaid taxes would be collected when their houses were sold. The proposed program would be open to abuse and fraud. The City would lose revenue and it would put itself in the position of a mortgage company. There are mortgage companies that do reverse mortgages, the City shouldn’t get into this business.
Shelley Parlow: The City of Victoria allows seniors to defer their property taxes. She assumes that the program’s effectiveness would be protected with a system of checks and balances and that she would need to see evidence of abuse.
Alan Asselstine: There are already private sector solutions. The cost of a City program would be a concern.
Frank Horger: Rising house values could force someone to leave his house.

Alan Asselstine: Peter Vasdi wrote a letter expressing concern about gangs at the A & P Plaza and proposed that the HCCO take a lead role in addressing this issue.
This issue was discussed. There are existing organizations that address youth issues: the Hunt Club/Riverside Community Centre and the Community Services Centre. The HCCO lacks the numbers, skills and time to take the lead.

Next meeting: Monday, June 11 at 19:30