Meetings & Documents

October 3, 2016

Monthly Meeting
October 3, 2016


Christine Johnson, President
Sue McCarthy, Vice President
Peter Foulger, Treasurer
Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
John Sankey, Past President
Piero Narducci, Director
Vanessa Sutton, Director
Ijeoma Udechukwu, Director
Brian Wade, Director
Dave Armitage
Leslie Behnia
Bernie Geiger
Celeste Grant
Al Gullon
Dan Kaplansky
Christian Labelle
Chantal Lussier
Andrea Main
Dianne Nahal
Marwan Nahal
Kristy Nystrom
Motion: To approve the agenda. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Ijeoma Udechukwu, carried.

Motion: To approve the September, 2016 minutes. Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Brian Wade, carried.

Councillor’s Report
Christine Johnson: Presented the Councillor’s Report from notes he supplied:

October 5: an open house to present the Baseline Road Bus Rapid Transit Study
October 6: 2017 Budget Consultation, 18:00 to 20:00 at the Jim Durrell Centre
October 13: Official Opening of the Infinity Convention Centre on Gibford Drive, off Hunt Club
October 19: River Ward Community Safety Night, doors open at 18:00, presentations start at 19:00. The Hunt Club/Riverside Park Community Centre. The HCCO will provide refreshments.
November 7: The HCCO annual general meeting. Ottawa Community Housing will present a small development on Uplands

Bernie Geiger: $200 million will be spent to put exclusive bus lanes along Baseline Road. The lanes will be taken from the Central Experimental Farm.
David Armitage: The railway line along Walkley should be considered as a commuter rail line. The existing line is under-used. There are existing overpasses over the major north-south roads.
Motion: More consideration be given to use the Walkley rail line from the Walkley Diamond to Kanata rather than using bus rapid transit (BRT) on Baseline. Moved by Bernie Geiger, seconded by David Armitage.
John Sankey: The National Research Council has a facility to test railway cars. The only way they can get to the facility is via the O-train line from the Walkley diamond. It would take a minimum of five years or more likely 10 years to move the facility. The line to Kanata uses Via Rail track to cross the Rideau River so cannot be used for electric LRT. I vote against the motion.
Motion: carried

Christine Johnson: She and the Councillor met with Bishop Williams. He is the head of Emmanuel Apostolic Church on McCarthy Road. Bishop Williams expressed interest in getting more involved with the community.

Business arising from last meeting’s minutes
Christine Johnson: November 7 is our Annual General Meeting.
Dianne Nahal: On September 27, six people showed up to the Community Creative Art Club. It is held every Tuesday between 9:30 and 12:00 at the Community Centre.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: Challenges remain: most of the Park is zoned as Environmental Protection which means that trees and brushes are allowed to grow naturally. City staff are working to open up the Park as much as possible within the limits of the zoning. Four people have dedicated themselves to clearing out the brush along the paths. John Sankey is one. Thank you! More would be better! There are ongoing problems with people dumping garbage. There is some money for further improvements and there needs to be a decision on how to spend it.

Motion: To reimburse Christine Johnson $8.81 for the Paul Landry posters. Moved by Bernie Geiger, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Motion: That available City money be spent on a play structure with lighting. Moved by Dan Kaplansky, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

Motion: That the City take more active measures to catch people dumping in City bins. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Christine Johnson.
Andrea Main: These measures would be costly and infringe on people’s privacy.
Motion: carried

Sue McCarthy: The theme for this issue will be recognizing volunteers. She invited people to submit articles.

Brian Wade: Memberships are $10. Please buy one.
Christine Johnson: The goal is to have 150 members by December 2017.

South East Ottawa Community Health Centre
Ijeoma Udechukwu: The South East Ottawa Community Health Centre ran a wellness workshop for women. The workshop included instruction on self defence. As mentioned in the Councillor’s Report there will be a budget consultation on October 6 at the Jim Durrell Centre.

City Budget
Christine Johnson: She sent out an email to the Board, asking for its priorities for improved facilities at the Hunt Club-Riverside Park Community Centre: improved fitness facilities and equipment, meeting room designed with presentations in mind, a swimming pool, a library.
John Sankey: Our funding for a health centre is 1/10 what other communities receive. The 25,000 people in Hunt Club are second class citizens. We had a community health centre but we lost it.
David Armitage: We do have a lot of social housing and the people don’t have access to recreational facilities. There’s enough room around the community centre for a swimming pool or a library.
Vanessa Sutton: Is there a parks or recreation master plan?
Christine Johnson: We need a youth centre.

Motion: In recognition that the Hunt Club/Riverside community has the highest concentration of low-income families in the City, there is a pressing need to raise its facilities to the standard of the surrounding communities (Canterbury, Heron Rd, Greenboro) in order to be responsive to the needs of residents, in particular to our youth. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Piero Narducci, carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer’s Report:

Sponsorship of $500 for the Community Festival was received from the City
Interest of $0.39 from Alterna.
No payments were made.

No activity in September.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund receipts $ 0.00
Hunt Club Refugee Fund disbursements $ 0.00
Hunt Club Refugee Fund balance 1 Aug 2016 $ 2,547.15
Garden Fund balance $ 0.00
Total Sub-accounts $ 2,547.15
Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2016 $ 9,172.27
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 600.87
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 1,004.94
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO -$ 404.07
Member’s surplus, HCCO $ 8,768.67
Total funds (Members surplus+funds) $ 11,315.82

Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share , HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 5,300.82
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO $ 6,000.00
Total all funds $ 11,315.82

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one sponsorship for the March newsletter and three for September.
Cheque received 30 Sept for $100 from D.McGuinty but not deposited.
Still awaiting final invoices for the Community Festival

Next meeting: Monday November 7 at 19:00