Meetings & Documents

October 7, 2019

Monthly Meeting
October 7, 2019


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson, Past-President
  • Lynette Joseph-Sankey
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Abiodun Mosuro
  • John Sankey
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • Travis Croken, Riverside Park Community Association
  • Barbara McIntyre, Andy’s Snowblowing
  • Cindy Harris-Weir, Andy’s Snowblowing
  • Andy Weir, Andy’s Snowblowing
  • Lucy Belanger
  • Dan Clavel
  • Bob Colton
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • Dora Joseph
  • Fred McLennan
  • Mary Mills
  • David Rybak
  • Linda Sabine
  • Brent Scollie
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu
  • Carol Ann Walker
  • Murray Wojcik

Brian Wade: Presented the agenda and asked for approval. Approved

Brian Wade: Asked for approval of the September minutes. Approved

Treasurer’s Report

Brian Wade read the Treasurer’s Report. It is presented as an appendix.

Motion: To accept the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Lynette Joseph-Sankey, seconded by Ijeoma Udechukwu, carried

Nomination Committee

Next meeting – Monday November 4 – will be the Annual General Meeting. There will be an election to choose the President and the Directors. Christine Johnson needs to know who would like to be on the Board. If you are a Director or the President, you should let her know if you want to stay on. If you want to present yourself as the President or a Director you should also let her know.

Library Services Committee

The Library Services Committee brings together people from two community associations: The Hunt Club Community Association and The Riverside Park Community Association. They held a very successful book drive. They gave the books to the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library Association to sell to raise money for the Ottawa Public Library. The Committee monitors the board meetings of the Ottawa Public Library and plans to make a presentation at the December meeting. On October 22, city councillors will hold an information session at the Jim Durrell, to talk about the budget. The Committee will be there to press for improved library services. The Committee is promoting two events at the Community Centre:
Library Services for Older Adults, October 22 15:00-16:00
Pantry Hacks (tips on everyday living), November 12 14:30-16:00

President’s Report

Membership is $10 a year. Currently there are 52 paid-up members. People can pay with cash, credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Members are entitled to a 20% discount on the all-inclusive recreational programs run by the city. Members are entitled to vote on motions, in the monthly meetings.

The community garden to be located in Cahill Park is now on hold. Instead, a community garden located at the Emmanuel Apostolic Church on McCarthy Road will be pursued. Community gardens are a great way to meet friends and develop community. It will be two years before the community garden is in place because funding comes from Just Foods and the application process must be followed.
Earlier in 2019 HCCA agreed to support initiatives designed to enhance and maintain the driving skills of older adults. Two courses were endorsed: Fitness to Drive as We Age and CarFit. There was a presentation on Fitness to Drive as We Age at the October 4, Older Adult Summit, at the Community Centre. Another course, 55 Alive is available through the City of Ottawa and the Safety Council.

Robotics Club at Fielding Drive Public School

Two parents at Fielding Drive Public School are leading a robotics club at Fielding Drive Public School. In the club, the children are given the equipment to make robots and they are given instruction to program the robots. The robots drive around a room and change direction when they run into a wall. Compared to other public schools, Fielding is below the average in terms of fund raising so the club is asking for funds.

Motion: To give $100 to the Fielding Drive Public School Robotics Club. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Dave Rybak.
Fred McLennan: Let’s make it $300.
Amended Motion: To give $300 to the Fielding Drive Public School Robotics Club. Moved by Fred McLennan, seconded by Dave Rybak, carried.

Snow Removal Contracts

Private homes contract with snow removal companies. Riverside Park is the community just north of Hunt Club. In Riverside Park, there were three companies and now it looks like there’s only one and that one is raising its rates [details]. Some customers say that their rates are going up 30% to 70%! The concern is that people cannot afford it.
Andy’s Snowblowing is one of the three companies. Andy Weir is the owner. He sold his customers east of the Rideau River to J.R. Lawn and Snow to be able to concentrate his service west of the River. He hasn’t contacted any other company. He thinks a small increase in rates is reasonable but 30% to 70% is too much.

Companies can sell their customer lists but they cannot agree to limit competition. Complaints can be made to the Federal Competition Bureau.

The Councillor, the Hunt Club Community Association and the Riverside Park Community Association are opposed to limiting competition.

Councillor’s Report:


  • Taggart Development at Hunt Club and Riverside: An independent consultant will review the safety of the intersection.
  • LRT opening: 100 bus routes are changed. The 87 is changed to the 90. It’s full at Springland but extra buses are ordered.
  • Budget: There will be an information session at the Jim Durrell Centre on October 22.
  • Older Adult Summit: This event was held at the Community Centre on October 4. It was a great success – 136 people came.
  • Ottawa International Airport: On Thursday there will be a workshop: The Airport and the Economy.
  • Paving: Riverside Drive is on the list to be repaved. Paving operation is complicated by the closures of the two bridges on Hogsback.
  • Naming: Approval is given to name the seniors room in the Community Centre The Kathy Ablett Room and to name the Airport Parkway pedestrian bridge The Juno Beach Memorial Bridge. On November 8, there will be an official event to mark the naming of the bridge.
  • Emmanuel Apostolic Church: There will be a public celebration on October 19 to celebrate their 50th anniversary, 40 years of which have been here on McCarthy.
  • Safety Night Meeting: October 15 at the Carlington Community Centre. Some items to be discussed: Rats – Big construction projects have disturbed them and they seem to be spreading. The Opiod Crisis.


Next meeting: The Annual General Meeting, Monday November 4 at 19:00


HCCA Treasurers Report by Peter Foulger
September 2019 summary for the 6 October 2019 Meeting
Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee.
Memberships of $70 cash and $50 via Square were received less $0.74 in Square fees.
Sponsorships of $30 from C Kroeger for Sept and $80 from Desjardins for Sept & Dec were deposited.
Activity: Fall Festival
Receipts of $1,700 in cheques to date with $250 pledged from MPP J Fraser's office still outstanding.
Expenses $670.62 as the City of Ottawa has advised we will not be invoiced for the Curbex sign.
Projected surplus of $1,279.38 is to be shared with RPCRA or $639.69 ea.
Garden Fund $1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $1,161.38
Art Club Fund $160.91
The Parks People $156.01
Balance Sub-accounts $2,978.30
Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2019 $6,527.98
Year to date receipts, HCCO $230.00
Year to date expenses, HCCO $86.53
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $143.47
Members' surplus, HCCO $6,671.45
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $9,649.75
Desjardins account $9,639.75
Desjardins share $10.00
Other $0.00
Total all funds $9,649.75
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one $110 sponsorship for September 2018 from David McGuinty's office and several for September 2019.