Welcome to GetGrowing Hunt Club! Our mission is to share resources and knowledge so that residents can grow food in their own backyard. We aim to help people in our community grow fresh vegetables by distributing seed kits. Since the program began in 2020, we have distributed over 1000 kits in our communities, each containing one vegetable seedling and a package of seeds.
NOTE: With limited resources, we are only able to serve residents in the Hunt Club community. To check if you are in the area we serve, please refer to the map below.
May 18th, 2024, 10am–1pm
We will distribute the kits outside of the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre on Saturday May 18, 2024 between the hours of 10:00am and 1:00pm. For residents of Ashgrove co-ops, a volunteer will deliver your kit directly to your door.
Registration Closed
If there are any additional kits leftover they will be handed out after 1:00pm
Sponsor a Seed Kit
The GetGrowing Hunt Club program is possible because of sponsorships and generous discounts from suppliers! To sustain and expand our food sustainability efforts next year, we are asking for your help.
Each $10 donation* will provide an additional seedling kit to a neighbour in our community. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity. (*Donations are not tax deductible)
Thank you to our Sponsors
Interested in sponsoring opportunities for the program?
Email Barb at getgrowing@hunt-club.ca
The Secret Life of Soil – Webinar
Recorded July 16, 2020
We often think of soil as “just dirt”. But did you know that one teaspoon of garden soil contains more living things than there are people on Earth? Thanks to all these bacteria, fungi, and microscopic critters, soil is able to grow crops, to absorb and filter water, and to store away carbon from the air.
When we garden, our actions have an impact on these underground communities. Science is helping us understand how we should be treating soil, in order to keep it healthy and productive.
Through this presentation, you will learn some of the science behind healthy soils, and learn gardening tips and techniques that will help you create a more resilient, sustainable and bountiful garden.
Recorded March 16, 2021
No need to wait for the snow to melt to get gardening! With Canada’s long winters and short summers, some of our garden crops benefit from a head start – tomatoes, peppers, and basil are some examples. While many of us get our seedlings from nurseries when it’s time to plant, often, options are limited and costs can rack up.
Starting your own seeds is fun, rewarding, and opens up a world of options when it comes to selecting varieties to grow.
Going beyond the how-to, this webinar will explore some of the science behind indoor seed-starting success, and will help everyone with an interest in indoor growing understand the hows and whys a bit better. Through the lens of plant biology, we will look at the temperature, moisture, light, and nutrient requirements of your seedlings, as well as tips for pruning and transplanting.
Content is geared towards people age 11 and up, but all are welcome.