News Articles

Meet Your New Board of Directors

By Sue McCarthy

Meet Your New Board of Directors

Jan 6, 2023 - By Sue McCarthy

The Hunt Club Community Association (HCCA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 7, 2022.  At that meeting, Brian Wade, Past President, revealed the results of the elections to the Board of Directors.   Here are your new Directors:

President – Audrey Belanger – Baur – 6 years in community

My objectives in concert with the Board and our Councillor are to:

  • Advocate for more affordable housing
  • Explore options to alleviate food insecurity
  • Improve the safety of our streets for children
  • Work on solutions to reduce congestion and for best urban planning practices
  • Grow our local flora biodiversity and replant trees
  • Foster a culture of open and transparent governance in the HCCA
  • Engage a broader segment of our community through increased social and community activities and doubling of our membership

I count on you, the members, and the Board to help me to achieve these objectives in whatever way you can.  Thank you for your vote of confidence. I look forward to working with you.

Vice President – Mary Nduati 5 years in community.

I have been a  member of Hunt Club Community Association for 2 years since I joined the Maudlin Matilda McEwan Community Garden as one of the gardeners. My education background is in Institutional Management, Counselling, and Social Work. I am a registered Social Service Worker with Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW). I am currently pursuing graduate studies in Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy.

I work at Somerset West Community Health Centre (SWCHC) as a Community Support Worker in the Mental Health and Counselling Department serving different families from visible minorities in Ottawa region.

My passion is to serve different communities by walking alongside them to ensure that they reach their full potential. As a Director of the Hunt Club Community Association, I will use my experience in counselling, advocacy, service coordination and academic background  to ensure  the safety and wellbeing of our community in the Hunt Club area.

Secretary – Patrick Morton – 3 years in community

Hello, my name is Patrick. I’ve lived in the Quinterra portion of the Hunt Club neighbourhood for three years with my fiancée. I work as a Public Servant for the Federal government.

I joined the HCCA and the Board in the Spring of 2022 in order to both give back to the community and advocate for changes to make housing more affordable in our neighborhood and city.

My goals for this year are to:

  • Improve the transparency of the HCCA
  • Get members more involved in organizing and planning our activities
  • Make sure that the wider community benefits from upcoming large scale construction projects here, and
  • Advocate for better and safer transportation options.

Treasurer – Brian Wade – 15 years in community

Hello Hunt Club.  I am pleased that I am once again on the HCCA board of directors and have been appointed your Treasurer for 2022-2023.  I have lots of experience in this role, having been the treasurer for my condo board for several years, and also currently the treasurer for South East Ottawa Community Health Centre.  I am no stranger to local issues and City Hall as I was the Chair of the City of Ottawa’s Accessibility Advisory Committee from 2014 to 2018, and its most recent vice chair.  As well, I was president of the HCCA for many years.

When I am not at my paid work, or getting involved with matters associated with my volunteer activities, you can find me putting together various Lego sets with my two nephews.  I enjoy cooking and especially the eating part.  I love to travel, being creative and enjoy our local arts scene.  You’ll often find me at our own Greg Kelley’s Tunes Afternoon at Moose McGuires.

Past President – Peter Brimacombe – 37 years in community

As Past President, I would like to help the Board build on our successes that occurred during my term as President such as:

  • The Annual Fall Festival which was held the first time in 2.5 years due to COVID.  The festival was well attended and provided great entertainment, free food, artisans and vendors for residents of all ages
  • Housing affordability.  I would like to continue to work with the Board to advocate for improvements to housing affordability as the City implements Ottawa’s Official Plan
  • I would like to continue assist the Community Association to inform community residents about government changes that affect them.

Director – Peter Foulger – 43 years in community

I joined to focus on community issues where we could achieve results that improve our experience of living in Hunt Club by:

  • Bringing Community issues to the attention of our Councillor and disseminating their reports through social media
  • Supporting Councillor programs to improve our community and providing feedback on development.
  • Initiating and supporting community events
  • Initiating and supporting projects for sustainability of our environment
  • Monitoring and improving our local parks through adoption and cleanup campaigns
  • Monitoring the status of Hunt Club Creek, our only stream, and reporting issues to the Councillor and Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA)

Director – Piero Narducci – 27 years in community

As a proud resident of the Hunt Club community for over 25 years an  I have volunteered and supported:

  • The Get Growing Hunt Club and Butterfly Way initiatives.
  • The Hunt Club Community Fall Festival.

I have also served previously on the Hunt Club Community Association (HCCA) Board of Directors. I have over 20 years of executive leadership experience. In addition, I have served on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada for many years, on the Executive Board of Directors for 3 years, and as Chair for a brief period at the end of my tenure. I would like to bring that accumulated experience to serve our community and am honoured to be elected to the HCCA Board of Directors.

Director – Fiona Bailey – 31 years in community

I am a Healthcare worker turned union activist and Representative. I care about the residents in my community and hope that working with the other Directors will create change for the better in our community.

Director – Sabrine Barakat (incumbent) – 14 years in community

As a fortunate resident and homeowner in this community I care deeply that it meets our family’s current and future needs – which are likely not unique to our family: affordability, safety, a variety of small businesses and city services (library, community office, green spaces) and the chance to grow and thrive. I wish to remain on the Board as I want to ensure my voice is heard, and I am interested in hearing the voices of others – where we meet and where we differ – with a view to finding respectful consensus and a way forward. I am also interested in community-government relations.

Director – Zane Oueja (incumbent) 14 Years in Community

My name is Zane. My family and I have lived in Hunt Club since 2008, and I attended Bayview, Fielding, and Brookfield schools. As a 3rd-year university student in urban and regional planning at Toronto Metropolitan University, I have a keen interest in how neighbourhoods like ours can develop and grow. More importantly, Hunt Club is my home, and it is where I wish to return once I finish my studies. I want to serve on the Board to advocate for safe, accessible and reasonable densification and improved transportation options.

Melissa MacIsaac 5 Years in Community

I moved to the area in 2018 with my 2 children, I have since grown my family with my now finacée making our total number of children in our home, 5, his 2 teens (in college) and my 2 teens (at St. Patricks) and our daughter under 2 years old. As you can imagine, I have a vested interest in having a safe, welcoming community to raise our kids. I have worked as a fundraiser/communications manager at non-profits for the past 10ish years. I would love to be part of the community association to share my skills and help make our community even better!

Carl Fannin 15 Years in Community

Hi, I work as an analyst with the Ottawa hospital and help support the anesthesia module of their electronic medical records Epic. Im a parent of three and have a vested stake in the safety, security and general maintenance of the area and community. I’d love to be able to contribute. I’d also like to see an additional stop sign added at the Cahill Dr West and Owl Dr intersection. I walk my daughter to school and have been nearly hit there.

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