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GetGrowing Hunt Club 2023
Join the Movement for Sustainable, Locally-Grown Produce

By Jason Dubue

GetGrowing Hunt Club 2023

Join the Movement for Sustainable, Locally-Grown Produce
Feb 25, 2023 - By Jason Dubue

GetGrowing Hunt Club is a program run by the Hunt Club Community Association. It is a great opportunity for residents to get involved in gardening and improve the sustainability of their community. By providing free seedlings and seeds to residents, the program helps encourage the growth of fresh, locally-grown produce and promotes food sustainability.

There are many benefits to participating in community gardening programs like GetGrowing. Some of the ways include:

  • Encouraging self-sufficiency: By growing their own food, residents can become more self-sufficient and reduce their reliance on imported, non-local produce.
  • Promoting healthy eating: Fresh, homegrown produce is often healthier and more nutrient-dense than store-bought options. By growing their own fruits and vegetables, residents can improve their own health and the health of their families.
  • Building community connections: Community gardening programs provide an opportunity for neighbours to come together, work collaboratively, and build connections with one another.
  • Beautifying the community: Gardening can also have a positive impact on the aesthetics of a neighbourhood, as gardens can add colour and life to the community.
  • Environmental benefits: Growing produce locally, and relying less on imported produce that may have been shipped long distances, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Our team is already planning, and excited to kick off the fourth year. Registrants will be able to pick up their kits at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre, on Saturday, May 20, between 10am–1pm (weather permitting). Register for your free seedling kit by visiting

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a beginner, there’s something for everyone to gain from this exciting program.

Sponsor a Seedling

Last year we distributed 234 seedling kits within our community, with the potential to generate a market value of $17,800 in fresh vegetables. To continue our efforts, we’re calling for your support. With just a $10 donation, you can make a difference by providing a seedling kit to a neighbour in need. Together, we are planting the seeds of change to cultivate a sustainable and self-sufficient community. To make a donation, please visit

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