Meetings & Documents

September 10, 2018

Monthly Meeting
September 10, 2018


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson, Past President
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • John Sankey
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • Dave Armitage
  • Denyse Baizana
  • Bert Beechey
  • Mildred Beechey
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • Dora Joseph
  • Lynette Joseph
  • Abiodun Mosuro
  • Wali Nasir

Brian Wade: Invited everyone to introduce themselves and say what they learned this summer. He presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To approve the June, 2018 minutes. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by John Sankey, carried.

President’s Report
Brian Wade: He recruited 15 new members Saturday at the Fall Festival. There are currently 91 members including 10 lifetime members. The Annual General Meeting will be held November 5. Anyone interested in running for the Board should inform Christine Johnson, the past president.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: The new play structure is complete. It’s exciting to see so many kids on it. We need to encourage people to keep it clean. Thanks to our Councillor Riley Brockington for his support in funding it. Saturday October 20, is clean-up day which is part of Ottawa’s Cleanup the Capital campaign.
Brian Wade: Dianne Nahal has taken photos of unusual and pretty plants in the Park.
Sue McCarthy: She took her grand daughters over to the Park but the zip line was sticky.
John Sankey: The slope is too steep at the start.

Hazardous wood near Community Centre
Denyse Baizana: Just outside the Community Centre, a kid jumped on some wood and stepped on a nail.

Picnic in the Park
Christine Johnson: It took place August 25. There was lots of food. Overall it was a good success.

Fall Festival
Sue McCarthy: The annual Hunt Club Fall Festival and Plant Exchange was held last Saturday and it was a success. Attendance was very good. Dale Johnson the Community Centre Director and staff did a great job doing the set up and take down of the site. Committee members included Dale Johnson, Susanne O’Bryne from the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre, Christine Johnson and Sue McCarthy. Christine Johnson was dedicated in obtaining sponsorships for the event. Sue McCarthy was able to get Long&McQuade to provide a sound system for the stage for free. Other sponsors were MP David McGuinty, MPP John Fraser, Councillor Riley Brockington, Desjardins Caisse Popular and Otto’s BMW. She would like to expand the organizing committee to support the organization of the event as she and Christine have been heavily involved for the past 4 years. In past years, the Councillor’s office was primarily responsible and it would be great to have the Councillor’s staff involved in some organizational aspects going forward.
Christine Johnson: Sue has been great in organizing the musical acts.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: The band was great.
Brian Wade: We went through a lot of food – 600 hot dogs and 20 dozen ears of corn.

Riley Brockington: The Riverside Park Community & Recreation Association is back in operation. We should ask them for help since we have the same Community Centre.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer’s Report. There are two reports: one report for June and July and another for August. They are presented as appendices. The fiscal year ends July 31. In April 2018, the Board passed a motion to switch its account from the Alterna Bank to Desjardins Caisse Populaire on Gibford Drive. The switch should be complete for the Annual General Meeting in November.

Motion: To pay two items:
Signs for Fall Festival C Johnson 18.98
Election Meet & Greet event City of Ottawa 32.90
Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by Denyse Baizana, carried.
Motion: To accept the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Denyse Baizana, seconded by Kristy Nystrom, carried.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington presented the Councillor’s Report. Items:
– June 30, the play structure in Paul Landry Park was opened
– Coady Co-op had its 40 anniversary
– work on Ashgrove continues
– shots were fired outside Riverside Pub, a suspect has been arrested
Dave Armitage: Shots were fired at Bank and Hunt Club. The suspect was arrested.
Riley Brockington: – the football fields adjoining the Community Centre were renamed the Ed Laverty Fields. On September 30 a plaque will be unveiled
– LRT Phase 1 is postponed. It won’t open until next year.
– Mooney’s Bay Pavillon is due for an overhaul or a rebuild. Staff will present a preliminary design
– Taggart Development has proposed a major development on the west side of Riverside Drive, north of Hunt Club. There will be a new street with traffic lights to assess Riverside Park. Traffic on Riverside is at capacity now especially southbound around 17:00. There will be a second public meeting sometime in November or December.
– lines for pickle ball were added to the tennis courts at Owl Park
– the province has allowed municipalities to install photo radar. The City has restricted it to streets which children use to reach schools. Fines collected must be used for road safety
Sue McCarthy: She was riding her bicycle on McCarthy Road when a car almost hit her. She wants speed bumps to slow down the cars.
Al Gullon: In the UK, photo radar has had a negative impact on safety. Drivers suddenly brake when they realize they’re in a photo radar zone.
John Sankey: He was responsible for a major road safety project in the old City of Gloucester. Drivers slow down if the road is more complex.
Ijeoma Udechukwu: She is concerned about pedestrian safety crossing from the Community Centre to Metro Plaza. Zebra lines on the street would make the drivers more alert.
Sue McCarthy: A similar recommendation was made in the Walkability Survey which was submitted to the City. The City is looking into all of the recommendations.
David Armitage: Posted speed limit on Hunt Club varies from 60 to 80 km/hr. It should be set at 60.
Riley Brockington: There’s been a spike in calls about coyotes. Jurisdiction is divided: there is the City which is municipal, the Minister of Natural Resources which is provincial and the NCC which is federal. The NCC has proposed a gateway sign at the Plante entrance to McCarthy Woods, warning of coyotes.

Amendment to Change the Bylaws
Brian Wade: At the Annual General Meeting there will be a motion to change the bylaws so that the organization be named The Hunt Club Community Association.

Communication Working Group
Brian Wade: In June the Board passed a motion saying that the name The Hunt Club Community Association be used on business cards, banners, displays and the website. The banner will cost between $200 to $400. The logo on our website is too small. There was a discussion about different techniques to make it bigger.
Brian Wade: The communication working group consists of Sue McCarthy, Kristy Nystrom, John Sankey and myself. Kristy Nystrom is looking at ways of creating a new web site. Would anyone else like to help her?
Peter Brimacombe: He would.

Municipal Elections
Brian Wade: There will be a meet and greet at the Community Centre, Friday September 21 for councillor and public school trustee. There will be an all candidates debate at the Carlington Recreation Centre.

Next meeting: Monday October 1 at 19:00

Appendix 1
June-July 2018 summary for the 10 Sept 2018 Meeting
This report covers the last 2 months of the fiscal year 2017-2018 that ended on 31 July 2018
Account interest of $0.71 for June and $0.75 for July was credited by Alterna. Memberships of $20 were received. The City of Ottawa paid $500 for HCCO community organization and activities. Revera cleared the sponsorship of $100 outstanding. S McCarthy was paid $451.38 as reimbursement for the ProPrinters invoice for the June News and Diane Nahal paid $14.36 for signage. C Johnson was paid $27.80 for the April park cleanup. An entry was made to cover the $81 deficit in the Mural Fund.
Receipts of $189 from the Art Club were deposited. .Payments were made as follows:
Art Club - City of Ottawa $189.00 
Park People - S McCarthy $247.94; C Johnson $328.74; D Nahal $53.76
HCCO will cover the $81 deficit in the Mural Project and the account is now closed.
The Harmony in Cultures fund will be renamed Fall Festival fund.
Hunt Club Refugee Fund $ closed
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Harmony in Cultures Fund (Fall Festival Fund) $ 500.00
Art Club Fund $ 12.89
Mural Project (closed) $ 0.00
TD Parks People $ 1,069.60
Balance Sub-accounts $ 3,082.49
Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2017 $ 4,814.01
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 3,318.90
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 2,305.17
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 1,013.73
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 5,827.74
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 8,910.23
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 8,895.23
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 8,910.23
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed two $110 sponsorships for the June News.
The change to Desjardins will be made in the new fiscal year after the internal audit of 2017-18.

Appendix 2
August 2018 summary for the 10 Sept 2018 Meeting
This report covers the first month of the new fiscal year 2018-2019 that began on 1 August 2018
Account interest of $0.74 for August was credited by Alterna. Sponsorships for the Sept News of $110 ea from Café Hiraeth, C Kroeger, Rimalou Drugs and Leg Assy of Ontario (Fraser) which were all deposited at Desjardins. Desjardins debited $2.28 monthly fee on 31 Aug. Cheques have been ordered. 200 cheques will cost $150.43
Sponsorships for the Fall Festival: 
Otto's Service Centre $300 and Desjardins $450 received. Another $300 pledged.
Payments were made as follows:
Park People Fund - C Johnson $641.85; S McCarthy $13.96
Fall Festival - B Dumont-Hill $150; Nepean Panharmonic Steelband $150; Chris White $150; Ukebox Lessons-Joel Jacques $150; Scott Amey $600
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $ 50.00
Art Club Fund $ 12.89
TD Parks People $ 413.79
Balance Sub-accounts $ 1,976.68
Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 20178 $ 5,827.74
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 550.74
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 618.36
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO ($ 67.62)
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 5,760.12
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 7,736.80
Desjardins account $ 1,147.29
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 6,574.51
Other , $ 0.00
Total all funds $ 7,736.80
Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed two $110 sponsorships for the June News and two more for September.
The Desjardins account is open. The Alterna account will be closed once all cheques clear. New cheques are on order from Desjardins. Approval for C Johnson $18.98 for signs for the Fall Festival and City of Ottawa $32.90 for the Election Meet & Greet event is required.