Meetings & Documents

November 4, 2019

Annual General Meeting
November 4, 2019


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson, Past-President
  • Lynette Joseph-Sankey
  • John Sankey
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Abiodun Mosuro
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Marwan Nahal
  • David McGuinty, MP Ottawa South
  • Fadi El Masry, Executive Assistant to John Fraser MPP
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • Joel Duff, Riverside Park Community Association
  • Bert Beechey
  • Lucy Belanger
  • Phil Belanger
  • Anne Castle
  • Dan Clavel
  • Jason Dubue
  • Kat Gracie
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • France Picard
  • John Reid
  • Linda Sabine
  • Barb Shea
  • Ijeoma Udechukwu

Brian Wade: Presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To accept the agenda. Moved by John Sankey, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Motion: To accept the October minutes as amended. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Marilyn Koch, carried.

Member of Parliament David McGuinty:
The recent election campaign was long but clean. The tone of discourse was lifted. His impression from knocking on 32,000 doors was the everyday good people that he met. Three concerns stood out: community security, health care, affordable housing.
He is concerned with climate change and species at risk – we are going to need their DNA. He sees a need to conserve resources and be more efficient. Our energies and intellect need to be applied to mitigating climate change. Please send me your ideas on mitigating climate change.
The high cost of the internet was raised.
He was involved with a study of internet charges in New Zealand. The plans and charges were confusing. In Canada, he would like to see plans that were simpler and more easily understood. He would like cell phone plans to be 25% cheaper. Digital reality is here to stay. Part of the reason internet costs are higher in Canada is that Canada is such a large spread-out country.

Councillor’s Report:
Riley Brockington presented the councillor’s report: He thanked the people that serve in grass roots organizations such as community associations.
Naming of the Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge: It will be named the Juno Beach Memorial Bridge.
2020 Budget: The budget has been tabled and will be debated. Here is the link to the documents. If you have comments, please send an email to the Councillor.
Hunt Club Road and Riverside Drive intersection, review: The City is doing a review to improve the safety and operations for all users. There will be an on-line survey.
O-Train Confederation Line: The trains are running but they are not always reliable. The Councillor is on the Transit Commission. He is watching carefully.
3930-3960 Riverside Drive: City Council approved the zoning bylaw proposed by Taggart Developments but Taggart has yet to follow up with a site plan.
1026-1054 Hunt Club Road: City Council approved the zoning and site plan proposed by Claridge Homes. Construction is underway.
Beachburg and Walkley Rail Corridors: The Walkley Rail Corridor goes through the Southern Corridor which includes McCarthy Woods. CN, the owner no longer wants to keep it because use has fallen off. The corridor could be very useful for the long-term transportation needs of the City. City staff are involved in negotiations.
New Chief of Police: Peter Sloly is the new Police Chief. He was formerly with the Toronto Police.
Bank Street Functional Design: Infrastructure under Bank Street from Riverside Drive to Ledbury Avenue will be renewed. Documents are available on-line. Please send comments to the Councillor.
Sidewalk Clearing in Winter: The City has purchased new equipment to clear the sidewalks.
Parking Ban During Snow Storms: The City will strictly enforce the ban on parking during snow storms.
Traffic Calming: Send ideas about traffic calming to the Councillor:
Rental Housing Regulatory Review: The review includes AirBnB.
Mooney’s Bay Pavillon: City staff are working on replacing the existing structure. The Councillor is working on getting Federal and Provincial funding.
Kathy Ablett Room: The Seniors’ Room in the Community Centre will be named after Kathy Ablett – a former school trustee with the Catholic School Board and former president of the Hunt Club Community Association.
Ottawa Public Library: Is hosting a get together at the Community Centre to talk about ideas on food preparation. It’s called Pantry Hacks. It’s at the Community Centre, on Tuesday November 12, from 14:30 to 16:00.
River Ward Christmas Party: The Councillor invites you to the annual River Ward Christmas Party – Monday, December 9 from 18:30 to 20:30 at the Carleton Heights Community Centre.
There was a suggestion that the Southern Corridor be built as an energy-efficient, high-density development in response to the climate emergency. The Southern Corridor is a major tract of land within our boundaries – at the north end. It consists of woods and grasslands. It includes McCarthy Woods.

Motion: That the Hunt Club Community Association send a letter to David McGuinty MP and the NCC, reinforcing our support for keeping McCarthy Woods in its natural state. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy.
Riley Brockington: The Official Plan calls for maximization of space within the core. The idea is to have high density development close to the transit stations. Existing developments, especially expensive condos have underground garages for parking. There are 9000 people moving to Ottawa each year.
John Sankey: The NCC is not managing the McCarthy Woods. Neglect is not management. Existing trees are not suited for the soil. They are dying.

Amended Motion: That the Hunt Club Community Association send a letter to David McGuinty MP, thanking him for his support for keeping McCarthy Woods in its natural state with a copy to the NCC. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy.
Vote on the Motion: Carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger presented the Treasurer’s Report. It is presented as an appendix.
Brian Wade presented the Audit Report.

The Newsletter, Hunt Club: My Community, has moved to an on-line distribution mode but there are still 100 printed copies. There are still sponsors who contribute to the Newsletter.

President’s Report
Brian Wade: Thank you to everyone who volunteered at events, to the Board and to those who have taken on various roles on the Board. A special mention to the Riverside Park Community Association which is just to the north. They have been our partners in the annual Fall Festival and they have joined with us on the Library Services Committee and on community safety. Thank you to Joel Duff, President of the Riverside Park Community Association and Travis Croken, Vice President for sharing best practices. Thank you to those who wrote submissions to oppose the Taggart Development on Riverside Drive. Their concerns have raised the issue of safety at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Hunt Club Road. Arts in the Park is an annual event that takes place in Paul Landry Park. Park Angels are people that take a special interest in the Park, for example picking up the garbage. Tree Canada has just planted trees in Cahill Park.

Christine Johnson: Asked for nominations for President; there were none, so she presented Brian Wade. He was acclaimed.
Christine Johnson: The following Board members have expressed an interest in staying on as directors: Peter Foulger, Peter Brimacombe, Lynette Joseph-Sankey, Sue McCarthy, Abiodun Mosuro, Dianne Nahal, John Sankey, Marilyn Koch.
In addition the following have expressed an interest in becoming directors: Dan Clavel, Barb Shea

Christine Johnson: Asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There were none so the ten directors were acclaimed.
Note: Christine Johnson remains on the Board as Past President.
The Hunt Club Community Association is registered with the Ontario Government as a Not-for-Profit Corporation. The new board should be registered. Brian Wade will submit the proper form.

Climate Change
The City has declared a climate emergency. It is committed to reducing green house gases. Riley Brockington: Described measures the City has taken including
replaced diesel powered buses with electric trains
encouraging more energy efficient buildings
better quality roads
get people away from arterial roads which reduce air quality
get people to be less dependent on cars
make producers responsible for re-cycling

Next meeting: Monday, December 2 at 19:00


HCCA Treasurers Report by Peter Foulger
October 2019 summary for the 4 November 2019 Meeting
Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee.
$300 was donated to the Fielding Park School Robotics Club per the motion passed at the October meeting.

Activity: Fall Festival
The $250 pledged from MPP J Fraser's office is still outstanding.
Projected surplus of $1,279.38 is to be shared with RPCRA or $639.69 ea.

Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $ 1,161.38
Art Club Fund $ 160.91
The Parks People $ 156.01
Balance Sub-accounts $ 2,978.30

Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2019 $ 6,527.98
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 230.00
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 398.48
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ (159.48)
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 6,368.50
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 9,348.80
Desjardins account $ 9,338.60
Desjardins share $ 10.00
Other $ 0.00

Total all funds $ 9,648.60

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one $110 sponsorship for September 2018 from McGuinty's office.
Only Desjardins and C Kroeger have paid their September invoices.
RPCRA will be owed $639.69 once the last sponsorship is received.