Event Details

Monthly Meeting March

Monthly Meeting March

Agenda: Monday March 7, 2022

  1. Welcome and Introduction ( 1 minute )
  2. Approval of the Agenda ( 2 minutes )
  3. Approval of Minutes ( 2 minutes )
    1. Monday February 7, 2022
  4. Housing Task Force ( 15 minutes )
    1. Email to FCA
    2. Housing Task Force flyer
    3. Housing Task Force Motions
    4. relevant points
  5. Insurance ( 5 minutes )
  6. Vacant Unit Tax – Salma Al-Shehabi (10 minutes)
  7. City Councillor – Riley Brockington ( 30 minutes )
  8. TD Grant ( 5 minutes )
  9. Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes )
  10. Art Club
  11. Toddler Storytime