Meetings & Documents

April 1, 2019

Monthly Meeting
April 1, 2019


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Abiodun Mosuro
  • Dianne Nahal
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • Riley Brockington, Councillor
  • Christina Dell, Recreation Supervisor
  • Judy Burwell
  • Al Gullon
  • Claudette Hudson
  • Dora Joseph
  • Tania Mushka
  • Marwan Nahal
  • Brent Scollie
  • Barb Shea

Brian Wade: Presented the agenda and asked for approval.

Motion: To accept the agenda as presented. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Barb Shea, carried.

Motion: To accept the March, 2019 minutes. Moved by Al Gullon, seconded by Dora Joseph, carried.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington: Presented the Councillor’s Report.
LRT, South Keys Station: There is a pathway between the South Keys Transit Station and the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway. Some trees will be cut down to allow for the expansion of the Transit Station. For every tree cut down, two saplings will be planted.
3930-3960 Riverside Drive Development: On Thursday, March 28, Planning Committee approved the zoning amendment. He was present and spoke against the application noting significant transportation and traffic concerns. He also cited the HCCA’s opposition. The application goes before the full City Council, April 10, 2019.
Tania Mushka: She appeared before Planning Committee to present her opposition. Planning Committee approved the application despite sound arguments against. She raised the idea of appealing before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and asked for people’s reaction.
Barb Shea: The planning process is fundamentally flawed because it doesn’t allow consideration of the adverse effects on the whole transportation network. How can we make a positive difference?
Riley Brockington: Writing to the Chair of the Planning Committee would not likely make any difference. If you wrote to Tim Marc, City Legal Council, he would be obliged to reply.
1026-1054 Hunt Club Road: This development is like the Riverside Drive Development because it adversely affects the transportation network of the whole City. His office has tried for some time to get the details of construction timelines. He was able to reach the Project Manager, Stephen Poon. Construction has already started and will last 24 months.
River Ward Earth Day: He will host this event on Saturday April 13, at the Community Centre.
Pancake Breakfast: There is a free pancake breakfast at the Alexander Community Centre on Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 to 11:00.
River Ward, Day on the Farm: There will be a River Ward Day at the Central Experimental Farm on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 to 14:00. Tickets are available at his office 613 580-2486.
Strawberry Social: He is hosting this event on Thursday, June 6 from 13:30 to 15:30 at the Community Centre.
River Ward Spring Bulletin: His spring bulletin will be delivered to homes in River Ward, this week.
Parking on Paul Anka: People had complained that cars parking on Paul Anka, blocked the view of cars leaving private parking lots. No parking signs will be put up to improve sight lines. City staff are also reviewing the Sample Road (south) and Paul Anka intersection for sightline issues.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Report included as an appendix.

Motion: To pay Christine Johnson $430.07 for the bulletin board in the Community Centre. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Al Gullon, carried.

Art Club
Dianne Nahal: The Art Club is a regular program at the Community Centre. Tuesday morning from 10:00 to 12:30. The drop-in fee is $2.00. Six regular artists drop in and there have been as many as 12. Work from the Art Club is now on display at City Hall in Councillors’ Hallway.
Last spring, she joined the Manotick Art Association. Two of her pieces are on display on the Manotick Art Association display, right here at the Community Centre.
The Art Club is providing supplies for a grade 7, immigrant student.
She is also part of the Homework Club and is looking for books for students from grade 1 to 10.

Here is a description of the current state of the Newsletter:
The Hunt Club Community Association (HCCA) has produced a hard copy quarterly newsletter which has been hand delivered to homes over the past seven years. This endeavor relied on a cadre of some 70 volunteer deliverers and the efforts of Past President, Christine Johnson in separating the over 3,000 copies in to packets to be delivered to the volunteers. Of late, the volunteer deliverers have been dropping off to the point that we had over 700 copies left over from the March newsletter. Although the cost of the newsletter is covered by ad revenue from local businesses, it is felt that this revenue could be repurposed to other community activities once HCCA moves to more of an online presence with a redeveloped website and web-based newsletter. Advertisers could also be enticed to place their ads online. Additionally, with an emphasis on climate friendly practices, the use of printed paper is something we should be leaders in eliminating. There is currently an option for readers to subscribe to the online newsletter on the HCCA website. They are then notified by email when the newsletter is posted.
Peter Brimacombe: Christine Johnson has been the leader on the Newsletter. She has done a great job. The Newsletter has been a real source of community engagement.

Motion: HCCA should move to an online newsletter with a minimum of printed copies (100 max) for local community organizations, businesses and politicians. The June issue of “Hunt Club: My Community” should be the last mass printed newsletter and include a request for readers to subscribe to the online newsletter. Moved by Sue McCarthy, seconded by Brent Scollie, carried.

Ottawa Public Library
Sue McCarthy: She summarized Christine Johnson’s report on the results of the two library surveys carried out.
In it, is a report on two surveys on the Ottawa Public Library. The surveys show community members are interested in accessing the same kind of programming available at branches in other communities. There is also a report on a ‘Hunt Club-Riverside Park Steering Table’ meeting led by Julie Desmarais of the Ottawa Public Library. The meeting was to establish links between groups with the goal of nurturing a more cohesive vibrant community.

Ontario Non-Profit Registration
Peter Brimacombe: The Board has voted to change its name from the Hunt Club Community Organization to the Hunt Club Community Association. This change aligns us with the other community associations in the City. It supports our position as the legitimate community association in Hunt Club. To stake our claim to the name, we need to register the Hunt Club Community Association as an Ontario Non Profit Corporation. Ontario Business Central, charges $515.40 to register a non profit corporation. He recommends that we engage their services.
Sue McCarthy: We need to hang onto our name.

Motion: To authorize an expense of $515.40 to register the Hunt Club Community Association as an Non Profit Corporation with the Ontario Government. Moved by Peter Brimacombe, seconded by Al Gullon, carried.

Brian: April 13, is Earth Day Celebration at the Community Centre, sponsored by Riley Brockington.  HCCA should put in a table / display. Is anybody willing to help out? In the past, we have had a plant exchange.
Sue: September 7, is the Fall Festival at the Community Centre. This is an annual event done in partnership with the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre, Riverside Park Community Association and the Community Centre. The Police and Fire Department have displays. There will be music and food. We are working with RPRCA, SEOCHC to organize this event. Anybody willing to help out?

Safe Driving for the Older Adult
Barb Shea: The Council on Aging Ottawa has a couple of programs that are focussed on safe driving for the older adult. The Fitness to Drive as We Age is a 2-3 hour seminar and CarFit is an educational program that offers older adults the opportunity to check how well their personal vehicles fit them:

Motion: HCCA should investigate working with the The Council on Aging of Ottawa to offer the Fitness to Drive as We Age and the CarFit programs to residents in our neighbourhood. Moved by Barb Shea, seconded by Judy Burwell, carried.

Climate Emergency Declaration
Judy Burwell: Councillor Shawn Menard will introduce a motion calling for a formal climate emergency declaration at the Environment Committee:

Motion: To support Shawn Menard’s motion. Moved by Judy Burwell, seconded by Sue McCarthy.

Peter Brimacombe: He is aware human activity is adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere but is not convinced that the whole atmospheric process is sufficiently well understood. Radiation from the sun may be decreasing. Today, the carbon tax comes into effect in Ontario, raising the price of gasoline, diesel fuel and natural gas. This tax is going to have a negative effect on the economy. He is against the motion.
Brent Scollie: He cannot support the motion because Shawn Menard’s motion has not been put forward.
Judy Burwell: The motion is a show of faith to address climate change.
Riley: He supports declaring a climate emergency and will be voting yes on the motion being presented to the Environment Committee on April 16.  He added that a declaration, without any subsequent actions to address the contributing factors to climate change, will make the declaration pointless.
Vote on the motion: carried

Next meeting: Monday May 6 at 19:00


HCCA Treasurers Report by Peter Foulger
March 2019 summary for the 1 April 2019 Meeting
Desjardins charged the $2.95 monthly fee. C Johnson was reimbursed $465.65 for the March news printing and $46.97 for the Library Survey. Sponsorship for March was received from D McGuinty.
No activity

Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Fall Festival Fund $ 132.00
Art Club Fund $ 160.89
The Parks People $ 412.42
Balance Sub-accounts $ 2,205.31

Member's Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2018 $ 5,886.36
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 2,698.35
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 1,748.00
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 950.35
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 6,836.71
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 9,042.02
Desjardins account $ 9,032.02
Desjardins share $ 10.00
Other $ 0.00

Total all funds $ 9,042.02

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed one $110 sponsorship for December. 
C Johnson is owed $430.07 for a Bulletin Board for the Community Centre. The board and the cost is to be shared with the Riverside Park Community Association.