Meetings & Documents

April 7, 2014

Monthly Meeting
April 7, 2014


  • John Sankey President
  • Peter Foulger Treasurer
  • Marilyn Koch Temporary Secretary
  • Christine Johnson
  • Steve Long
  • Issie Berish
  • Kamal Ubhi Councillor McRae’s Assistant
  • Glenn MacCrimmon
  • Shirani Wijesekera
  • Bernie Geiger
  • José Cardoso Caisse Populaire Rideau-Vision d’Ottawa

There were no new memberships. The Agenda was circulated and several topics were requested to be addressed later in New Business.

John Sankey presented José Cardoso, future director of Caisse Populaire which is relocating a branch office to 700 Hunt Club Road. Mr. Cardoso anticipates they will be ready to move in this October. In answer to questions from Issie Berish, Mr. Cardoso indicated they will not have a drive-thru but will have 10 parking spots and 2 ATMs and a total of seven employees. His company also is active in community outreach activities and demonstrated with advertising support to our Community Newsletter. He was welcomed to our community by all those present.

Minutes of the March meeting were approved. Motion to accept moved by Bernie Geiger, seconded by Peter Foulger, and carried.

Business arising from the minutes involved follow up by Bernie Geiger re bus schedule reduction in the Hunt Club and his observation of a lack of announcements and publicity. A response from Maria McRae’s office indicated a reduction was made April 2012 when articulated buses were introduced to make up the difference in reduced timing of single buses. He was appreciative of getting a response to his inquiry from her office. Additional concern was expressed re what happens when Hurdman closes for construction of the LRT.

Councillor’s Report was presented by Kamal Ubhi. Clean-up and preparations have commenced for work on the Airport Parkway Pedestrian/Cycling Bridge. Cleaning the Capital campaign begins April 15-May 15, 2014. Speed boards are available on request.
Follow-up questions/comments:
Christine Johnson asked if there is no cycling lane, is there an automatic limit on car speeds. The response was 80 km per hr. is legal. If there is a cycling lane and a car is turning right, who has the right of way? John Sankey responded that cars must yield to bikers. Is it different if there is no cycle lane? No definite answer.
Issie Berish questioned if an informal pathway near the Fire Station used by Twyford residents could be formalized when a recent trench for a gas line was being refilled.
Paul Landry Park, Uplands Park, Hunt Club Creek and McCarthy Park are claimed for spring clean-up. Those in charge of McCarthy Park are not identified.
Issie Berish reported on Hunt Club : My Community March issue. Delivery has been impacted by the weather. March is not the best month because of weather and delivery people being away on vacation. Possibly it should be officially changed to April. Preparing packaging, drop-offs and then follow-up requires about eight and a half hours labour. More people and smaller routes might be better but more help is required . Christine Johnson confirmed the need for more involvement to sustain the Newsletter. Issie Berish suggested that a request for more help could be made in the Newsletter.

New Business:
John Sankey indicated that Westboro has a bike riding and safety program. Perhaps we could do something similar in our area. We would need a sponsor. Would the Councillor have an interest and support this?
Bernie Geiger expressed a long standing concern re safety and the McCarthy Road curve. He suggested a speed board be requested via our Councillor and that traffic calming devices such as speed bumps might slow down speeders. A fence damaged in previous accidents needs repair.
John Sankey and Peter Foulger are concerned that a beaver dam in the Hunt Club Creek was removed by an unknown source. They have contacted the Councillor and the NCC.
Christine Johnson reported that the Federation of Citizens’ Associations support s the initiative of the Ottawa Water Study/Action Group to urge the City of Ottawa to adopt a greener and more sustainable approach by phasing out the sale and use of bottled water in all city premises and at city events.
Christine Johnson also reported on the city response to her inquiries re reducing speed along Hunt Club Road from Cleopatra to Conroy Road to 60 km per hour. The reduction was not supported.

Next meeting is Monday, May 5, 2014, 7. p.m.