Meetings & Documents

April 9, 2018

Monthly Meeting
April 9, 2018


  • Brian Wade, President
  • Sue McCarthy, Vice President
  • Peter Foulger, Treasurer
  • Peter Brimacombe, Secretary
  • Christine Johnson Past President
  • Marilyn Koch
  • Kristy Nystrom
  • John Sankey
  • Riley Brockington Councillor
  • Anthony Chiarello Assistant to the Councillor
  • Dale Alexander
  • Dave Armitage
  • Al Gullon
  • Dianne Nahal

Brian Wade: Invited everyone to introduce themselves and say what they like about being a member.
Brian Wade: Presented the agenda.

Motion: To approve the March, 2018 minutes. Moved by Peter Foulger, seconded by Christine Johnson, carried.

Councillor’s Report
Riley Brockington presented the Councillor’s Report. Items:
Owl Park Upgrades: The Parks and Recreation Department has received funding to install Biba interactive play equipment at four parks in Ottawa. Owl Park is one of the sites.
Brian Wade: We should send a letter thanking the Parks and Recreation Department.
3225 Uplands Drive (Ashgrove): Expansion of the existing Ottawa Community Housing development is underway.
Proposed Development at Riverside and Hunt Club Road: The proposal includes a senior living centre, a hotel, a private school, two car dealerships and a commercial strip mall. There would be a new driveway off Riverside with a new traffic light.
Dave Armitage: He questioned if there was enough land for a school.
Riley Brockington: The footprint for the school and yard is 1.89 acres and he has asked if this meets Ministry of Education requirements.
The area is just outside the Airport Influence Zone. There is a park already in the area but it’s not accessible by car. It should be and a new parking lot will be added. Riverside Drive southbound is already at capacity in the afternoon. He has asked for a review of the feasibility of installing two turning lanes for traffic going west-bound over the bridge.
John Sankey: For the two turning lanes to work, it’s necessary to improve the exits from the bridge by signalizing the turning lanes on the bridge so that there are 3 lanes to turn south down Prince of Wales in the afternoon and the existing 2 at other times.
Ed Laverty Fields: The City has started the public consultation process for naming the sports fields at the Community Centre (McCarthy Park). The proposal is to name them the Ed Laverty Fields.
Riley Brockington: He urged the HCCO to send an email supporting the naming of the Ed Laverty Fields.
Wendy Stewart Pond. The City has approved naming the pond on the other side of the Airport Parkway pedestrian bridge the Wendy Stewart Pond.
Robert and Linda Poulsen Gymnasium: The City has approved naming the gym in the Community Centre the Robert and Linda Poulsen Gymnasium.
Earth Day: Saturday April 21 at the Community Centre
Older Adult Summit: Friday May 11 from 9:00 to 12:00 at the Community Centre
Annual Strawberry Social: Friday June 8 from 13:30 to 15:30
Civic Hospital information session: June 12 at the Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street.
Dale Alexander: The signs in the South Keys transit station are confusing. There are two Cahill Drives in opposite directions.
Dianne Nahal: There are multiple Walmart shopping carts in the pond on the other side of the pedestrian bridge over the Airport Parkway. Walmart needs to do a daily walk-around to pick up its carts.
David Armitage: Metro, the grocery store hires a truck to go around once a week to pick up its carts. In the South Keys Mall, a lot of shopping carts end up at the north end near the entrance to Greenboro transit station. A group has started cleaning up. There are a lot of Tim Hortons and A & W cups. They don’t disintegrate because the paper is mixed with plastic. Also there’s a lot of plastic water bottles.
Christine Johnson: We could write a letter to Tim Horton’s and A & W.
Riley Brockington: He is currently looking into two matters re environmental initiatives. Presently green bins are not mandatory at multi-unit residential buildings. They should be. There’s too much garbage at festivals. There should be more bio-degradable containers.

Treasurer’s Report
Peter Foulger: Presented the Treasurer’s Reports for February. It is presented as an appendix.

Motion: Even though there is a slight increase in costs with having an account at Desjardins, they have made significant contributions to our association’s initiatives and projects. Specifically:
– their ongoing ads in our newsletter Hunt Club My Community
– their financial contributions to community festivals
– their attendance at community festivals with freebies
– their employees volunteering to help clean up Paul Landry Park
– the fact they are within our boundaries Motion: That the HCCO switch its account from Alterna to Desjardins Caisse Populaire on Gibford Drive. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Member Discount on City of Ottawa Recreation Programs
Brian Wade: The 20% discount is only available on the annual membership packages.

Walkability Survey
Sue McCarthy: HCCO partnered with the Council on Ageing, did a walkability survey and prepared a report. There were 11 participants and they walked four routes. The day of the walk it was sunny and -5C but this was after a weekend of snowfall and freezing rain. The major issue was improperly cleared sidewalks and curbs.
Al Gullon: He was very impressed with the report.

Paul Landry Park
Christine Johnson: The HCCO has applied for a $1000 grant from the City for trees to plant.

Motion: That HCCO ask the management of Gilboa Place Apartments and Townhouses not to dump snow in Paul Landry Park. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Clean the Capital
Motion: That the HCCO, as part of the Clean the Capital campaign, support a community wide clean up this spring. Moved by Christine Johnson, seconded by Sue McCarthy, carried.

Earth Day
Brian Wade: We need people to help out.
Sue McCarthy and Christine Johnson: Said they could.
Brian Wade: We could run a plant exchange.
John Sankey: We did this last year and it was a great success.

All Candidates Meeting
Brian Wade: There is a provincial election June 8. We are hosting an all-candidates meeting Wednesday, May 16. We need people to help.
Marilyn Koch, Kristy Nystrom and Peter Brimacombe said they could help.

Fall Festival
Sue McCarthy: The fall festival will be held on Saturday, September 8. Last year the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre paid for the bouncy castle and hot dogs. We hope to have their participation again this year.

Next meeting: Monday May 7 at 19:00


Appendix Treasurers Report

March 2018 summary for the 9 April 2018 Meeting
Account interest of $0.73 for March was credited by Alterna. The last three sponsorships for the March News were received and deposited. J Sankey was reimbursed $451.38 for the printing of the News. 
The City of Ottawa was paid $123.41 for the Art Club room rentals.

Hunt Club Refugee Fund $ 1,059.69
Garden Fund $ 1,500.00
Harmony in Cultures Fund $ 500.00
Art Club Fund $ 12.89
Mural Project $ 69.00
Fireworks Gala $ 0.00
Balance Sub-accounts $ 3,141.58

Members Surplus
Balance as of 1 August 2017 $ 4,814.01
Year to date expenses, HCCO $ 1,630.63
Year to date receipts, HCCO $ 2,235.81
Increase/(decrease) for year, HCCO $ 605.18
Member's surplus, HCCO $ 5,419.19
Total funds (Members surplus + funds) $ 8,560.77
Cash not deposited $ 0.00
Alterna share, HCCO $ 15.00
Alterna Account, HCCO & funds $ 8,545.77
Alterna Term Deposit HCCO, $ 0.00

Total all funds $ 8,560.77

Receivables & Liabilities:
We are owed $100 by Landmark/Revera for the Sept news.
S.McCarthy requests reimbursement for the $150 honorarium paid to M Manatch for her speaking at the opening ceremony of the Mural.
The Canterbury Community Association has sent an invoice for $100 as HCCO share of the May 29 Provincial Election debate.