Creating Pollinator Habitats
The Butterflyway Project is the David Suzuki Foundation’s award-winning project led by volunteers, Butterfly Rangers, and helped by residents in local communities. Its objective is to create healthy habitats and pollinator patches for local bees and butterflies, and strengthen their eroded natural environments.
The Hunt Club Community is proud to have this year 3 Butterflyway Rangers (that we’re aware of). They will plant pollinator patches in the Hunt Club community throughout this spring, summer and up to the early fall. We invite you to learn about pollinators and native wildflowers, and to seed some in your gardens or balconies!
Hunt Club to become a leading community in Ottawa by the number of pollinator patches in public and private spaces.

Ecology Ottawa is proud to support the Hunt Club Community Association’s Butterflyway Project. This initiative supports urban biodiversity by providing critical habitat for pollinators. Thank you HCCA for the work you’re doing to help rewild Ottawa!

With our designs rooted in the science of ecological restoration, our mission is to bring nature back to people’s doorstep. This is why we are thrilled to partner with the HCCA on the great initiative of creating pollinator patches in the neighbourhood and to contribute to a more sustainable community.
How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden | The David Suzuki Foundation
Roadsides, A Guide for Creating a Pollinator Patch | Ontario Horticultural Association
Gardening for Butterflies | Canadian Wildlife Federation
The Corner Pollinator Garden and Wildlife Habitat | Berit Erickson
How to Create Pollinator Patches and Wildflower Meadows | Lune Valley Community Beekeepers, UK
Pollinator Resources | BeeCity Canada
How to Grow Native Plants to Help Protect Pollinators | Ontario Nature
How to Make the Perfect Pollinator Garden | Canadian Wildlife Federation
Butterfly Puddling Station | HCCA Newsroom
Wild Flowers: What’s Native? | Wild Pollinators Partners, East Ontario – Outaouais
Native Plants in Gardens | Ottawa Horticultural Society
Ontario Wild Flowers | Walter Muma Website
Nectar and Pollen Plants for Native Wild Pollinators | Susan Chan, Bee Friend
Native Plant Encyclopedia | Canadian Wildlife Federation
Grow Me Instead, Beautiful Non-Invasive Plants for Your Garden | Ontario Invasive Plant Council
Native Plants, Local Nurseries, Garden Plants to Avoid | City of Ottawa
Butterfly Gardening in Ottawa: If I Can Do It, So Can You
Webinar with Berit Erickson, March 23, 2021
In this webinar, you will learn how to provide food (nectar and host plants) and habitat (safe shelter) for butterflies, how to grow native plants from seed and where to buy them in the Ottawa area. You will also learn how to adapt an existing garden, or design a new, pollinator-friendly garden. Watch Recording
The Critical Importance of Pollinators (6.22 min)
A plant’s best friend – the importance of pollinators (3.22 min)
Why protect pollinators? (4.40 min)
The Little Things That Run the World – How to Create a Pollinator Backyard (55.31 min)
How to Make a Butterfly Puddling Station (6.46 min)
Embracing the Nature: Lessons from the Best in the World – inspirational videos
The Wild Garden Dutch landscape designer, Piet Oudolf’s Garden (3.07 min)
Piet Oudolf Collection (2.28 min)
Pollinator Garden Plans
Pollinator Gardens, City of Guelph – Pollinator garden design for full sun and part sun and a list of plants
Designing a stylish pollinator garden – Pollinator Paradise garden – provided at the end of this article
Need More Inspiration?
Here is a sample garden plan to get you started and inspired! Check out the photos of these plants and their growing conditions here:
Developed by: Jessica Karafilov
Local Pollinator Patches
Orange pin: Pollinator patches in public spaces
Turquoise pin: Pollinator patches in private yards and gardens