Project Details

Stream Watch

The Stream Watch group helps to preserve the natural habitats of the Hunt Club Creek, part of the Lower Rideau sub-watershed, by observations and testing.

Hunt Club Creek

The Hunt Club Creek flows from DND lands bordering Hunt Club Road, under the road to the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club to Uplands Drive, Gillespie Crescent, then to Riverside Drive and through NCC lands bordering Rivergate Place through to the Rideau River.

More information about Hunt Club Creek

The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) overseas a City Stream Watch (CSW) program for the Rideau Valley watershed. A component of this program is the City Stream Watch – Adopt-A-Stream program. RVCA conducted its first in-depth evaluation of the health of Hunt Club Creek in the summer of 2013. The Hunt Club Community Association (HCCA) adopted Hunt Club Creek in September 2013.

HCCA has renewed its adoption of Hunt Club Creek in November 2020, effective until November 2025.

Hunt Club Creek flowing into the Rideau River

Adopt-a-Stream Presentation

Please watch the latest presentation from the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, regarding the Hunt Club Creek and how stream watch volunteers can help.

Adopt-a-stream presentation

Reports & Resources

*Please note that all participants are required to fill out the Liability & Safety Waiver Form. Please email your completed forms to

Submit an Observation

    If you have images to send, or any questions about this program please send an email to Thank you!