Canada Votes – Election 2021
Meet the Ottawa South Candidates
Sep 2, 2021 - By Sue McCarthyElection Day is Monday, September 20th. You can vote by mail or in person at advance polls or on September 20th. Find all you need to know at the Elections Canada website:
Do you know who your Ottawa South candidates are? Let me introduce them.
Huda Mukbil, NDP Candidate
I am a mother, a writer, a public speaker on diversity and a champion for reforms in the public sector, and I spent 18 years as a strategic advisor on National Security. I look forward to working hard for Ottawa South and giving you the representation you deserve in Parliament. I will work for everyone, not just the well connected few. I am concerned about the way in which some developers have been allowed (by all levels of Government) to kick out low income tenants, and replace their homes with other residential developments outside of their price range. The NDP is committed to building half a million affordable homes, and will support the expansion of alternative options such as cooperatives. I promise to be an advocate on housing and food security issues in this riding, where 1 in 10 have experienced food insecurity during the pandemic. Too many people in our riding cannot afford dental care, mental health care, or the prescription medication they need. Only the New Democrats have a plan to cover you from head to toe. Finally, I am concerned about threats to our urban forests, and support the efforts to stop the destruction of forests on Airport lands. The NDP has a strong plan to conserve urban forests, protect biodiversity and combat climate change, starting by ending subsidies to fossil fuel companies. On September 20th, stand for change, and vote for Huda Mukbil, NDP.
David McGuinty, Liberal Candidate

It has been my honour to serve you as your Member of Parliament since 2004. Throughout this time, my connection and commitment to our community has only grown stronger. I was born and raised in Ottawa South and this is where Brigitte and I have happily raised our four children. Our home is here – as is our future.
While much of the publicity MPs receive is related to our work on Parliament Hill, I can tell you the great majority of my time is devoted to supporting members of our community. And of course, recently, I have been called upon to help our neighbours to cope with the challenges of COVID-19 through a series of measures which assisted individuals and businesses in these difficult times such as through the CERB, the wage subsidy, reforms to EI, assistance for seniors, students and our disabled neighbours.
On Parliament Hill, I am proud to chair Canada’s National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians which brings together MPs from all parties to work in a non-partisan setting. I especially enjoy this work because we are all working at our best by working together.
Canadians deserve a government that will always have your back. Please visit to read more about how we plan to keep moving Canada forward — for everyone.
I would consider it a great honour to be re-elected as your MP and I ask for your support on September 20th.
Chylow Hall, Peoples Party of Canada (PPC) Candidate
Hello, my name is Chylow Hall and I am a candidate for the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) in the Ottawa South riding. I was born and raised in Alberta. At an early age I joined the Army reserve and began my career within the telecommunications field as a Lineman. After several contracts with the military I began working for the private sector in the information technology (IT) field. This career path has provided me with many various working opportunities in several different work departments and locations throughout Alberta, Ontario and New Brunswick. I currently reside in Ottawa with my 3 teenage boys aged 14, 16 and 18. I am also a small business owner. The reason that I am running for the PPC is that I am concerned about the future of Canada and the future of our children. I do not see any viable options within the federal political establishment other than the PPC. Their strong stances on, NO vaccine passports, NO lockdowns, freedom of choice, speaking out against Government authoritarianism and control is something that I personally feel very strongly about. We need a Government reset on all fronts (provincial and federal). It is important for me to stand firm on my convictions. If elected I will fight for the constituents who elected me, I am a person that wants to represent the people, respond to the people and provide the people with a voice! As this is what our current governments are lacking in politics today.
Eli Tannis, Conservative Candidate
I appreciate the opportunity to share ideas and commitments through this newsletter. As the candidate for the Conservative Party I have been hearing from residents about the financial and social pressures caused by the pandemic; their objections to being forced into an unnecessary federal election in the midst of the fourth wave of COVID-19; Canada’s trillion-dollar deficit and excessive spending during recent years and the escalating rate of inflation and its impact on the cost of essentials such as food, clothing and fuel.
I am a strong supporter of Canada’s Recovery Plan and its five objectives focused on securing jobs, accountability, mental health, the country and the economy. Readers are invited to review the Plan at to read the details.
The residents of Ottawa South deserve a strong and effective voice in Parliament. I was born and raised in Ottawa of immigrant parents. Together with my wife Joyce, I have raised four children and established a successful local business, Tannis Food Distributors. In 2015, it had 150 employees and $130 million a year in sales.
As your MP, I will utilize my experience as a small business leader and an advocate for small and medium-sized businesses in helping local businesses recover from this pandemic.
In addition to the day-to-day assistance to constituents, I will I remain in touch with the community through regular public consultation sessions involving all age groups and cultures.
As a trusted member of the community and a proven leader, I will represent the people of Ottawa South with integrity and a spirit of goodwill.
Les Schram, Green Party Candidate
Les has lived most of his adult life in Ottawa South. His children graduated from Charlebois and French language high school.
He worked in the social services for many years and served on the board of the Roberts Smart Centre will one year as chairperson.
He then worked in the private sector as an employee benefits broker/consultant. He served on the audit and finance committee of a publicly listed company for over 10 years.
The Green Party is the only party with a climate action plan that meets the demands of the International Panel on Climate Change, Bill Gates, Mark Carney and the scientific community.
The Green Party has the most effective plan to deal with affordability. We recognize that the root cause of the housing and food crisis is poverty and low wages.
We will provide a guaranteed basic income and lower taxes on those earning less than $28,000. These measures will lift many people out of poverty and reduce the demand for affordable housing.
We will provide funding for rental and housing units that are affordable to the 31% of Canadians earning less than $40,000.
The Green Party recognizes that good government requires a resilient health care and financial institutions.
We will work with the provinces to develop and fund a plan that ensures we have sufficient supply of hospital beds, doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners. We will bring long term care in to public control, ensure adequate staffing and provide more private rooms.
Larry Wasslen, Communist Party Candidate
In this election, the majority of voters I have spoken with have identified four main concerns: low wages, desperate need for work, housing and dignity. With the incredible increases in living expenses, wages are just too low. Our position on increasing the minimum wage to $23.00/hour resonates with constituents as does our reduction of the work week to 32 hours with no decrease in wages based on 40 hours per week.
In terms of Jobs: Voters very much like the Communist Party “full employment strategy” and the idea of public investment in building up public infrastructure. The idea of building 1 million public housing units would certainly create more and, simultaneously, solve the great housing shortage and drive down rents. Many constituents emphasize that they want to live with dignity, work to feed and house their families, give their children a better life but the capitalist system is preventing them from advancing. Our working class agenda offer answers to these four main concerns.