Event Details

Monthly Meeting January

Monthly Meeting January

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Information and Updates
    1. Minutes: Dec 5, 2022
    2. President’s Report (Audrey)
  4. Councillor’s Report (Councillor Riley Brockington)
  5. Discussion Items
    1. Hunt Club Cares Garage Sale (Patrick)
    2. Fall Festival 2023
  6. Committee Items
    1. Governance (Audrey)
    2. Finance & Fundraising
    3. Communications, Outreach, and Events (Patrick)
    4. Community Safety and Transportation
    5. Affordable Housing and City Planning
    6. City Services and Municipal Financial Equity
    7. Environment
  7. Adjournment of Meeting
    1. Next meeting: Feb 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Download a more detailed PDF of the Agenda