Monthly Meeting May

Hunt Club Community Association

Agenda Monday May 2, 2022

Welcome and Introduction ( 1 minute )

Approval of Agenda (2 minutes )

Approval of the Minutes ( 2 minutes )

Election of new directors (15 minutes)

Treasurer’s Report (5 minutes)

Presentation on the housing crisis and discussion (15 minutes)

City Councillor – Riley Brockington (30 minutes)

Provincial Election, all-candidates meeting (2 minutes)

Get Growing

Butterfly Way

Paul Landry Park Cleanup

Monthly Meeting March

Agenda: Monday March 7, 2022

  1. Welcome and Introduction ( 1 minute )
  2. Approval of the Agenda ( 2 minutes )
  3. Approval of Minutes ( 2 minutes )
    1. Monday February 7, 2022
  4. Housing Task Force ( 15 minutes )
    1. Email to FCA
    2. Housing Task Force flyer
    3. Housing Task Force Motions
    4. relevant points
  5. Insurance ( 5 minutes )
  6. Vacant Unit Tax – Salma Al-Shehabi (10 minutes)
  7. City Councillor – Riley Brockington ( 30 minutes )
  8. TD Grant ( 5 minutes )
  9. Treasurer’s Report (10 minutes )
  10. Art Club
  11. Toddler Storytime

Monthly Meeting February


  1. Welcome and Introduction (1 minute)
  2. Approval of Agenda (2 minutes)
  3. Approval of Minutes (2 minutes)
    1. Monday January 10, 2022
  4. Insurance (15 minutes)
  5. Truckers protest (10 minutes)
  6. Housing Task Force (10 minutes)
  7. Transportation Master Plan (10 minutes)
  8. City Councillor – Riley Brockington (30 minutes)
  9. Treasurer’s Report

Monthly Meeting January


  1. Introduction
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Monday, December 6, 2021
  4. Christmas donation – Matt Page
  5. South Keys Presentation – Janet Mark Wallace
  6. City Councillor – Riley Brockington
  7. Finance
  8. Get Growing – Barb Shea
    1. scope
    2. insurance considerations
  9. Story Time for Toddlers – Christine Johnson
  10. Federation of Citizens’ Association (FCA)
  11. Transition Plan


Monthly Meeting: December

The Hunt Club Community Association’s monthly meeting of the Board of Directors will take place via ZOOM, on the first Monday of the month, at 7:00 pm. The Agenda and supporting documents will be added closer to the meeting date.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


  1. Introduction
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Meeting Minutes: AGM
    2. Meeting Minutes: Nov 10
  4. Christmas donations Matt Page
  5. City Councillor – Riley Brockington
  6. Finance
  7. President’s Report

Monthly Meeting: September

The Hunt Club Community Association’s monthly meeting of the Board of Directors will take place via ZOOM, on the first Monday of the month, at 7:00 pm. The Agenda and supporting documents will be added closer to the meeting date.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Board of Directors Meeting (7pm):


  1. Welcome and Introductions (5 Minutes)
  2. Approval of the Agenda (5 Minutes)
  3. Approval of Consent Agenda (5 Minutes)
    1. Environment Committee Report
  4. 2021 Federal Election
    1. Candidate Presentations (30 Minutes)
      1. Huda Mukbil, NDP
      2. Eli Tannis, PC
      3. David McGuinty, LIB
      4. Les Schram, Green
      5. Chylow Hall, PPC
      6. Larry Wasslen, Communist
    2. Question to Candidates (30 Minutes)
  5. Operations/Governance (10 Minutes)
    1. HCCA 2021 Board Elections
  6. City Services (35 Minutes)
    1. 400 Hunt Club Update (5 Minutes)
    2. City of Ottawa Official Master Plan Update (5 Minutes)
    3. Other City Feedback Requests on (5 Minutes)
      1. Solid Waste Master Plan
    4. Councillor Riley Brockington’s Report (20 Minutes)
  7. Adjournment of Meeting
    1. Next Meeting: Monday October 4, 2021