January started with COVID lingering but having peaked in late December. Medical services were jammed and there were long queues for rapid COVID tests.
February saw three weeks of chaos in downtown Ottawa as a motley assembly of “truckers,” nominally protesting restrictions placed on their freedom in response to the COVID pandemic, disrupted residents, clogged streets, and closed businesses. On 14 February the federal Emergencies Act was invoked to end the occupation.
At the March HCCA Board meeting there was debate about the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force which had the objective of addressing the housing supply crisis and getting homes built faster. The Board was divided between protecting the interests of existing homeowners and providing housing for a growing population.
In April two Association members, Christine Johnson and Linda Sabine, started a once a week 45-minute “Storytime for Toddlers” session at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre (HCRPCC). In the fall, staff of the Ottawa Public Library joined in once a month. The initiative continues. Registration is required.
May brought a new word into our vocabulary, Derecho. On May 21st, no areas were spared with uprooted trees and other damages. Particularly hard hit were the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club and the area immediately east, both of which lost thousands of trees,. However, prior to the storm there had been a distribution of seeds in the Get Growing Hunt Club initiative, led by Barb Shea for its third year. A total of 234 seed kits were distributed focusing on Ottawa Community Housing, Seed kits included two seedlings and two seed packets. The potential harvest if all were planted was over $17,000.
A provincial election on Thursday 2 June resulted in a Doug Ford led Progressive Conservative government being re-elected. Local Liberal MPP John Fraser was re-elected.
July saw the initiation of an Association petition to improve library services in Hunt Club. Over 300 signatures were collected. Christine Johnson, a Past President, continued lobbying the Library Board throughout the year,
In August, citizen complaints grew about increasingly brazen coyote attacks on family pets in the neighbourhood of the Southern Nature Corridor and McCarthy Woods. Some animals that appeared to have lost fear of humans were subsequently trapped and humanely euthanized.
On Saturday 17 September, thanks to the efforts of a host of volunteers, under the leadership of Lynette Joseph-Sankey, Matt Page, and John Sankey a very successful Fall Festival, blessed by mild weather, was held at the HCRPCC . Lots of activities were available for children. There were stands from the community, including free tree seedling distribution by Ecology Ottawa. The event was supported by donors, and elected officials from all levels of government.
The City headed to the polls Monday, 24 October andand elected Mark Sutcliffe as the new mayor. All incumbents, including River Ward Councillor Riley Brockington, were returned along with seven Councillor newcomers,
HCCA held an AGM and election on the 7th of November at which Audrey Bélanger- Baur was elected President. Directors elected and subsequently named to the Executive are Mary Nduati (Vice President), Brian Wade (Treasurer), Patrick Morton (Secretary), and Peter Brimacombe (Past President). Other directors are: Carl Fannin, Fiona Bailey, Melissa Maclsaac, Peter Foulger, Piero Narducci, Sabrine Barakat and Zane Oueja.
In December the area’s only postal outlet at the Quickie Convenience Store at 3332 Mccarthy Rd was closed. HCCA wrote to MP David McGuinty to point out that as a result Canada Post was not meeting its service standard.
The election of the Board of Directors for the upcoming year is a highlight of the Hunt Club Community Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). Interest in this year’s election was at an all time high. Since introducing the online voting platform ElectionBuddy in 2020, we have seen an increase in the number of members eligible to vote. In the November 2020 board elections, we saw 54 eligible voters, in the May 2022 By-election, we saw 77 voters, and in November 2022 board election we had 86 eligible voters.
The Election Buddy platform allows for greater participation of association members. In the past, only members who attended the annual meeting were able to cast a vote. Online voting now allows all eligible voters to securely cast a vote whether they can attend the AGM or not. For those that are unable to or prefer not to vote online, Election Buddy allows the election return officer to issue print ballots. As per HCCA bylaws, I, Brian Wade, as Past President, was the Elections Returns Officer for this election.
This year’s election saw four brand new candidates – Mary Nduati, Fiona Bailey, Carl Fannin and Melissa MacIsaac. We had seven returning candidates Sabrine Barakat, Peter Foulger, Peter Brimacombe, Patrick Morton, Zane Oueja, Piero Narducci and Brian Wade. Piero Narducci was on the board back in 2016-2017 and I was the Past President. Voters had the option of selecting one to ten candidates. New this year was that all candidates had an opportunity to fill out a “Get to Know You” questionnaire that asked a number of ice breaker questions and few local issues based questions.
It’s HCCA tradition to hold the Election of the President separately from the other directors. For the first time in many years, we had two candidates vie for the position of President – the incumbent, Peter Brimacombe and HCCA Treasurer Audrey Belanher-Baur. With 79% of the vote, Audrey became HCCA new President and Peter Brimacombe assumed the role of Past President.
As per our bylaws, directors must receive 2/3 of the vote or be appointed by the president. During the annual meeting where the election results were being ratified, the members requested our new President Audrey, to appoint Peter Foulger and Carl Fannin.
Read on in the next article to meet your new Board of Directors.
Good news! Our newsletter, Hunt Club: My Community, is starting up again! You’re invited to submit articles, stories or pictures. Click on the link on our website to submit an article for consideration https://hunt-club.ca/news/#submit . You can either fill out the form at the bottom the page next to Submit an Article or send your article directly to the Editor at: editor@hunt-club.ca. There is also a handy editorial guide for writing articles on the same page. We’re waiting for your piece! We publish the newsletter 4 times a year : March, June, September and December.
October 6th is Energy Efficiency Day. Here are five things you can easily do to save energy and its cost.
1. Insulate. Reduce heat loss through switch plates and outlets by as much as 80%. Get a package of 10 or more foam backings for way less than $10.
2. Insulate. Seal holes, gaps and cracks with polyurethane insulating foam sealant. Sprays into gaps and cracks up to 1″ (25 mm) in diameter, It expands to fill the shape of the gaps. Find a can at your hardware store for $10 to $15.
3. Keep your car longer, especially if it’s relatively fuel-efficient. Spread out the CO2 emitted in the manufacturing process over more years. The faster you replace a car, the more CO2 it emits.
4. According to Hydro One “phantom” or “standby” power, could account for up to 10 percent of your home’s energy use. The average Canadian home has 25 or more electronic devices that use phantom power, costing approximately $150 a year in electricity. Find out more at https://www.hydroone.com/saving-money-and-energy/residential/tips-and-tools/phantom-power.
5. Mining for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum uses a lot of energy and is contributing to climate change. Consider more eco-friendly cryptocurrency options like Nano, Cardano and Hedera Hashgraph.
You can also download audio e-books, then listen to them anywhere you choose, at any time, alone or with a friend. Did you know that there are all kinds of online events and YouTube D.I.Y. programs that you can access with your public library card? Check some of them out here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXQxeggRJvhed0qp9m9tr0H9ucG_-u5Rn
What are you waiting for?
Some of my favourite library sentences:
I met her (him, they) at the library.
I accuse Professor Plum in the library with a rope.
I’m off to the library, well, actually the Bookmobile, since that’s all we’ve got.
What’s in your home library? On shelves, online or on your Kindle?
He arrived a few minutes late for the PC Users workshop at the library, because his second bus connection was late.
Can you walk by a library without going in just to have a peek?
Where can you imagine seeing a small library branch in our Hunt Club community?
If you want to see Morgan, try the library.
What are some of your favourite sentences with the word ‘library’ in them?
Where can you picture a library branch in our Hunt Club community?
We’re moving into the fall, weather wise and with kids returning back to school. Covid is still with us but vaccinations are climbing and we’re adapting to the changing situation, still being vigilant. Your Community Association has your back. Let us champion your concerns as we work with our Councillor, Riley Brockington.
Election Day is Monday, September 20th. You can vote by mail or in person at advance polls or on September 20th. Find all you need to know at the Elections Canada website: https://www.elections.ca/home.aspx
Do you know who your Ottawa South candidates are? Let me introduce them.
Huda Mukbil, NDP Candidate
I am a mother, a writer, a public speaker on diversity and a champion for reforms in the public sector, and I spent 18 years as a strategic advisor on National Security. I look forward to working hard for Ottawa South and giving you the representation you deserve in Parliament. I will work for everyone, not just the well connected few. I am concerned about the way in which some developers have been allowed (by all levels of Government) to kick out low income tenants, and replace their homes with other residential developments outside of their price range. The NDP is committed to building half a million affordable homes, and will support the expansion of alternative options such as cooperatives. I promise to be an advocate on housing and food security issues in this riding, where 1 in 10 have experienced food insecurity during the pandemic. Too many people in our riding cannot afford dental care, mental health care, or the prescription medication they need. Only the New Democrats have a plan to cover you from head to toe. Finally, I am concerned about threats to our urban forests, and support the efforts to stop the destruction of forests on Airport lands. The NDP has a strong plan to conserve urban forests, protect biodiversity and combat climate change, starting by ending subsidies to fossil fuel companies. On September 20th, stand for change, and vote for Huda Mukbil, NDP. https://www.hudamukbil.ca/
David McGuinty, Liberal Candidate
Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra, along with Minister of Middle Class Prosperity and Associate Minister of Finance Mona Fortier along with local MP David McGuinty, do the Ottawa stop of the High Frequency Rail announcement at the VIA Rail station, on Wednesday July 7th 2021.
It has been my honour to serve you as your Member of Parliament since 2004. Throughout this time, my connection and commitment to our community has only grown stronger. I was born and raised in Ottawa South and this is where Brigitte and I have happily raised our four children. Our home is here – as is our future.
While much of the publicity MPs receive is related to our work on Parliament Hill, I can tell you the great majority of my time is devoted to supporting members of our community. And of course, recently, I have been called upon to help our neighbours to cope with the challenges of COVID-19 through a series of measures which assisted individuals and businesses in these difficult times such as through the CERB, the wage subsidy, reforms to EI, assistance for seniors, students and our disabled neighbours.
On Parliament Hill, I am proud to chair Canada’s National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians which brings together MPs from all parties to work in a non-partisan setting. I especially enjoy this work because we are all working at our best by working together.
Canadians deserve a government that will always have your back. Please visit liberal.ca to read more about how we plan to keep moving Canada forward — for everyone.
I would consider it a great honour to be re-elected as your MP and I ask for your support on September 20th. https://davidmcguinty.liberal.ca/
Chylow Hall, Peoples Party of Canada (PPC) Candidate
Hello, my name is Chylow Hall and I am a candidate for the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) in the Ottawa South riding. I was born and raised in Alberta. At an early age I joined the Army reserve and began my career within the telecommunications field as a Lineman. After several contracts with the military I began working for the private sector in the information technology (IT) field. This career path has provided me with many various working opportunities in several different work departments and locations throughout Alberta, Ontario and New Brunswick. I currently reside in Ottawa with my 3 teenage boys aged 14, 16 and 18. I am also a small business owner. The reason that I am running for the PPC is that I am concerned about the future of Canada and the future of our children. I do not see any viable options within the federal political establishment other than the PPC. Their strong stances on, NO vaccine passports, NO lockdowns, freedom of choice, speaking out against Government authoritarianism and control is something that I personally feel very strongly about. We need a Government reset on all fronts (provincial and federal). It is important for me to stand firm on my convictions. If elected I will fight for the constituents who elected me, I am a person that wants to represent the people, respond to the people and provide the people with a voice! As this is what our current governments are lacking in politics today. https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/chylow_hall
Eli Tannis, Conservative Candidate
I appreciate the opportunity to share ideas and commitments through this newsletter. As the candidate for the Conservative Party I have been hearing from residents about the financial and social pressures caused by the pandemic; their objections to being forced into an unnecessary federal election in the midst of the fourth wave of COVID-19; Canada’s trillion-dollar deficit and excessive spending during recent years and the escalating rate of inflation and its impact on the cost of essentials such as food, clothing and fuel.
I am a strong supporter of Canada’s Recovery Plan and its five objectives focused on securing jobs, accountability, mental health, the country and the economy. Readers are invited to review the Plan at https:www.conservative.ca/plan/ to read the details.
The residents of Ottawa South deserve a strong and effective voice in Parliament. I was born and raised in Ottawa of immigrant parents. Together with my wife Joyce, I have raised four children and established a successful local business, Tannis Food Distributors. In 2015, it had 150 employees and $130 million a year in sales.
As your MP, I will utilize my experience as a small business leader and an advocate for small and medium-sized businesses in helping local businesses recover from this pandemic.
In addition to the day-to-day assistance to constituents, I will I remain in touch with the community through regular public consultation sessions involving all age groups and cultures.
As a trusted member of the community and a proven leader, I will represent the people of Ottawa South with integrity and a spirit of goodwill. http://votetannis.ca
Les Schram, Green Party Candidate
Les has lived most of his adult life in Ottawa South. His children graduated from Charlebois and French language high school.
He worked in the social services for many years and served on the board of the Roberts Smart Centre will one year as chairperson.
He then worked in the private sector as an employee benefits broker/consultant. He served on the audit and finance committee of a publicly listed company for over 10 years.
The Green Party is the only party with a climate action plan that meets the demands of the International Panel on Climate Change, Bill Gates, Mark Carney and the scientific community.
The Green Party has the most effective plan to deal with affordability. We recognize that the root cause of the housing and food crisis is poverty and low wages.
We will provide a guaranteed basic income and lower taxes on those earning less than $28,000. These measures will lift many people out of poverty and reduce the demand for affordable housing.
We will provide funding for rental and housing units that are affordable to the 31% of Canadians earning less than $40,000.
The Green Party recognizes that good government requires a resilient health care and financial institutions.
We will work with the provinces to develop and fund a plan that ensures we have sufficient supply of hospital beds, doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners. We will bring long term care in to public control, ensure adequate staffing and provide more private rooms. https://www.greenparty.ca/en
Larry Wasslen, Communist Party Candidate
In this election, the majority of voters I have spoken with have identified four main concerns: low wages, desperate need for work, housing and dignity. With the incredible increases in living expenses, wages are just too low. Our position on increasing the minimum wage to $23.00/hour resonates with constituents as does our reduction of the work week to 32 hours with no decrease in wages based on 40 hours per week.
In terms of Jobs: Voters very much like the Communist Party “full employment strategy” and the idea of public investment in building up public infrastructure. The idea of building 1 million public housing units would certainly create more and, simultaneously, solve the great housing shortage and drive down rents. Many constituents emphasize that they want to live with dignity, work to feed and house their families, give their children a better life but the capitalist system is preventing them from advancing. Our working class agenda offer answers to these four main concerns. https://votecommunist.com/
We’re emerging from lockdowns, winter blahs into green growing things and warmer weather.
COVID rates are declining, vaccinations are accelerating and we’re starting to breath a little easier. Enjoy this nice weather, be safe and enjoy the outdoors!
One snowy January morning, an email arrived from the David Suzuki Foundation, calling on communities across Canada to help restore habitats for local bees, butterflies and other pollinators on the verge of extinction. On a cold wintry day there is something deeply satisfying in dreaming of butterflies, and pink, purple and yellow flowers being kissed with plump bumblebees and hummingbirds. The images of Hunt Club’s green spaces and beautiful yards and gardens from my neighbourhood walks, rushed into my mind, and before I knew it, the Butterflyway cocoon was born.
Why You Should Care
One third of the food we eat and three quarters of world’s flowering plants depend on the tireless work of pollinators. They contribute to the biodiversity and resilience of ecosystems, to agricultural production and our nutritional security, and production in medicine, biofuels, fibres and even construction materials. The estimated economic value that pollinators create in the world’s crop production is approximately half a trillion dollars every year.
Beyond the economic impacts, global pollination experts warn that the extinction of pollinators would lead to an ecological and food production disaster of unseen proportions. While the volume of pollinator-dependant crops has grown by 300% in the last fifty years, the number and variety of pollinator species are in a consistent and staggering decline. Some 40 species of bees alone are being seriously endangered. The cumulative impacts of the extensive use of pesticides, intensive agriculture management, invasive plant species, pathogens, and pollution have led to a shrinking number of indigenous plants and a sharp decline of pollinator species and their habitats.
First Butterflyway Pollinator Patches
Thankfully in Hunt Club, Councillor Riley Brockington is championing the Butterflyway Project, and there are residents who are interested in helping to restore pollinator habitats.
As a result, the city has recently installed a pollinator patch at the Hunt Club Riverside Park Community Centre. With a bit of loving care, in two-to-three years from now, this will turn into a lush carpet of colourful wildflowers where pollinators can survive through the winter and thrive in warmer days. Similarly, volunteers on the Butterflyway Project will plant pollinator patches of varying sizes at several Hunt Club locations this summer, and at least five private properties will be hosting a Butterflyway pollinator patch. All these actions will help create habitats where pollinators can find food, water and shelter.
Councillor Riley Brockington in the first public space pollinator in Hunt Club
First Butterflyway pollinator patches in Hunt Club’s private yards and gardens
We will be marking the locations of Butterflyway patches in Hunt Club’s public and private spaces, and adding pollinator gardens of all shapes and sizes, from a balcony’s mini patch to a garden pollinator site. Our vision is for Hunt Club to become a leading community in Ottawa in establishing pollinator patches, and we will strive to ensure that at least half are certified by the Canadian Wildlife Federation as a wild-life friendly habitat. Keep an eye on the map of local pollinator patches which will be updated periodically.
What You Can Do to Help
You can help out on the Butterflyway Project or plant a few wildflowers in planters or in your garden and ask your neighbours to do the same. Often the smallest things can make a big difference.
If you want to add your pollinator patch to Hunt Club’s pollinator patches map, or if you would like to volunteer on the Butterflyway project, please complete the Volunteer Registration Form. Learn more about Hunt Club’s Butterflyway Project here.
You need a résumé: it is the document that tells employers about your qualification for a job and showcases how you could be an asset to a company. It contains your name and contact information, employment objective, education, experience, skills, achievements or interests.
A résumé shows your work history by date order, listing your last job first. If you have not had a job before, highlight your skills and expertise for specific jobs. A one-page résumé is recommended.
References: ask 2 teachers for references; get full name, telephone number and email.
Job Search: look for department stores, supermarkets, drugstores and other businesses within 10-15 minutes travel distance from your home. Go to each location, greet a staff member and hand in a résumé. If a company uses application forms, take the form home, read it carefully, complete it and return it with your résumé on the same day.
Interview answers: If you are applying for your first job, use the skills you learned during your Co-op placement to answer interview questions. Be honest and upbeat, show your ability to fit in as part of a team. Share positive experiences about sports, musical performance, poetry or helping classmates.
Attire: wear comfortable sneakers and casual summer clothing and neutral nail polish.
Ladies: no low-cut V-neck tops, spaghetti strap top, or blouse that exposes your belly button.
Gentlemen: no identifiable logo on t-shirts, no low-cut jeans with knees or underwear exposed.
Ottawa is a great place to live, but nobody chooses it for the climate. Summer heat and winter cold are stressful. We look forward to warmth in January and get too much of it in July. Here are tips for living more comfortably when the thermometer climbs.
Know the weather conditions beforehand. There’s plenty of weather information via the media and short-term forecasts are very accurate. Plan activities accordingly. Listen for heat warnings from the City and know places where you can cool off.
Hunt Club has two splash pads, at Owl Park and McCarthy Park. Two others are nearby south of Walkley. Arnett Park is west of McCarthy and Stanstead Park to the east. Mooney’s Bay beach is close by.
Wear light clothing, which reflects the sun’s rays, and sunscreen. Be especially careful if you are susceptible to sunburn. Limit exposure and be sure to reapply sunscreen after going in the water.
Avoid exercising at peak hours of heat, or exercise in an air-conditioned gym. Plan outdoor exercise during the early morning or evening. If competing in an event during the heat of the day acclimatize your body to conditions in advance.
Drink fluids regularly. We perspire and lose water to cool off. If your mouth feels dry it’s a sign of dehydration so drink plain water and plenty of it. Infants, children, and the elderly need to be especially careful not to become dehydrated. Sports drinks may be appropriate to replace electrolytes if exercising for an hour or more.
Do you recognize this place in our community? Hunt Club Creek flows into the Rideau River, just upstream from the rail bridge and the lowest point in Hunt Club, about 76 m above mean sea level.
Reach it from a trail that winds beside the creek from the north end of Rivergate Way. There’s easier access from Old Riverside Drive north of the train tracks.
Just over 1 Km from the lowest point is the highest — at 112 m — on the grounds of the Hunt and Golf Club. While there is no public access, adjacent Riverside Drive rises to 107m. The ground ascends to 119m at the airport.
Another high point in our community is north of McCarthy Road, from the Quarry Coop to Huntview Condominiums rising to 106m.